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Author(s): N/A
Publisher: What God Says Ministries
Price: $3.49       Buy Now!

When one studies the armor of God (from the Word of God), that God has made available for you to use, you will notice one interesting thing, which is: all the pieces of the armor of God are spiritually defensive in nature (to defend against attacks of the enemy and his spirit forces), except for one piece, which is strictly spiritually offensive in nature (e.g., designed to spiritually cut, wound, damage, and assault the enemy and his spirit forces). What piece is that? That piece is the Sword of the Spirit. As a born-again Christian, you must be fully educated in this offense spiritual weapon called the Sword of the Spirit, as you will need it to spiritually damage the enemy, spiritually cut the enemy, spiritually assault the enemy, and put him (his forces, and attacks) to flight. It is recommended that you learn about the full armor of God, in order for you to be a fully armed, efficient, victorious, and effective soldier of Christ. But if you are unable to get a solid grounding in all the aspects of the armor of God, it is critical that you get a grounding in at least the Sword of Spirit…as that is your offense supernatural weapon. As a result, this e-book was created.

Author(s): Timothy Cross
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $3.00       Buy Now!

Unbeknown to many, expressions and sayings from the Bible have often permeated our daily life in a profound way – until the biblical roots of the saying is all but forgotten. In his second book on this topic, Timothy Cross covers many common phrases including: “Touch wood”, “It takes all sorts”, and “A heavy heart”. This title can act as anything from a reference-book to an interesting daily devotional.

Author(s): Joanna Graham
Publisher: Ambassador International
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As one of the most heartbreaking experiences in life, infertility can shatter dreams and crush spirits in its unyielding wake. Almost taboo, this struggle is rarely discussed within many Christian circles, which can leave affected couples with more questions than answers. The Inconceivable Truth provides a new approach for addressing some of the struggles Christian couples face today and the truth of what it is to be unable to conceive. It is the author’s hope that as you confront some of the same issues she did, her story will help you to make God-honouring decisions and understand better the place of infertility in our lives. To find peace and joy in this difficult season, our counsel must be rooted in the Bible and in Christ. Join Joanna as she shares what God taught her during her family’s infertility journey. May His book come alive in ways that will excite your soul and draw your heart and eyes upward to Jesus.

Author(s): David Bruce
Publisher: Wipf & Stock
Price: $2.60       Buy Now!

Did Jesus really rise from the dead? And does it really matter?
In The Resurrection of History, David Bruce explores what historians, theologians, and New Testament scholars have said about the resurrection of Jesus from a historical point of view. Bruce argues that scholars don’t have to dismiss the scriptural witness that “he is risen” as metaphor or wishful thinking.
Bruce examines the development of the art of history writing and explores the theological possibilities now open to scholars in the twenty-first century. Using contemporary examples, Bruce helps his readers come to grips with the interrelationship of history and theology and think like theologically-informed historians. Respectful of varying points of view, Bruce defends the traditional, orthodox view of the resurrection and challenges his readers to consider the implications for Christian faith and witness if, in fact, the resurrection of Jesus was historical.

“In The Resurrection of History, David Bruce treats readers to a learned yet accessible discussion of history and resurrection, rightly asking what the resurrection of Jesus meant for his first followers. This well-written book provides the intellectual context in which critical assessment of the resurrection of Jesus should take place, as well as the theological context in which Christians should seek a deeper understanding of the event that lies at the heart of their faith. Believers and nonbelievers alike will profit from this book.”
–Craig A. Evans, Payzant Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Acadia Divinity College, Nova Scotia, Canada

“Is the story of the resurrection historically true? Many popular answers ignore the problem that David Bruce faces squarely in this book: scholars have been disputing what a historical truth looks like! In a clear and engaging writing style, Bruce gives a masterful, accurate, and up-to-date picture of how historians and other experts think about the past. Be prepared for some surprises, and a lot of common sense.”
–Alan L. Hayes, Professor of History and Director, Toronto School of Theology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

“David Bruce proves a masterful guide to the labyrinth of Christian thought about the relation of faith and theology to historical inquiry, with particular focus on the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Exploring the philosophical suppositions of modern historiography, and the stances of major theologians, Bruce defends an ‘orthodox’ belief in the bodily resurrection of Jesus with sensitivity to those who find this difficult to believe in our time. An excellent resource for theologians, students, and laity alike.”
–Harold Wells, Professor emeritus, Systematic theology, Emmanuel College, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

David Bruce, DMin (Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena), PhD (St. Michael’s University, Toronto), has over twenty-five years of pastoral experience and now works with homeless and marginalized persons in downtown Toronto. He is the author of the popular Jesus 24/7 series and co-author of Three Testaments: Torah, Gospel, Quran.

Author(s): Michael Eddy
Publisher: N/A
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Humans are hardwired for stories. We need stories to make sense of our lives and for insight on what the universe is expecting from us next. The Truest Story Ever Told shows readers how one specific story arc found throughout the world’s most sacred stories can be used to find greater purpose, joy and adventure. This storytelling structure, labeled by the late mythologist Joseph Campbell as the HERO’S JOURNEY, describes the persistence of a particular set of themes in mythology and still used by today’s best storytellers. While stories come in endless variation, the most profound ones follow a nearly universal format: A hero ventures out of an ordinary world and enters into a mysterious world full of adventure and challenges. During the Hero’s Quest he or she is initiated into a more whole and alive condition before returning to the ordinary world to share the rewards of the journey with his or her community.Before walking readers through how to apply the various themes of the HERO’S JOURNEY in real modern day terms, Eddy points out that the reason these stories repeat themselves so often through history and have such power over us is because they all reflect one particular story—The Truest Story Ever Told – the Gospel story of Jesus Christ. Jesus came as the ultimate expression of life and as an example God’s love for his creation. He was the Hero of all Hero’s and now he invites us to join the narrative and to have his Hero story intertwine with ours so through our life we might continue to tell the Hero tale. What we learn through Eddy’s take on the HERO’S JOURNEY is that our most cherished stories are not just a place for our imaginations to go to escape. They are pointing us toward an eternal truth about what it means to be the image-bearers of God. We have a new destiny. Come lean how you can be a part of The Truest Story Ever Told.

Author(s): Christina Fox
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $3.00       Buy Now!

We live in an age where ‘friendships’ are prolific and contact is constant. But are all of these people really our friends? The bond of Christian friendship is different. Built on our unity with Christ, these are real life, flesh and blood relationships – both sacred and sacrificial. Christina Fox offers insight into how we can weave friendships that last through any season and reflect Christ to the world.

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