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silent shades of sorrowAuthor(s): Charles H Spurgeon
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Feb 15-16)
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Pastor Charles Spurgeon was a friend to those who physically and mentally suffered. He and his own dear wife, Susannah, suffered truly through years of physical and mental pains. In this light, Charles preached transparently about sorrows and their many kinds, including depression in all of its forms. He was no trite preacher. He spoke as one who had been there.

This collection of works from C. H. Spurgeon offers a healing taste of his powerful ministry on our sorrows. Among the many and silent shades of sorrow, the sorrowing have a Savior. There is hope for the broken-hearted.

michael phillipsAuthor(s): Michael Phillips & Judith Pella
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
Price: $1.99       (Feb 15-17)
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In this bestselling series set in pre-revolutionary Russia, both a peasant and a princess face the prospect of their beloved country being torn apart by conflict within and without.

1 The Crown and the Crucible
2 A House Divided
3 Travail and Triumph
4 Heirs of the Motherland
5 Dawning of Deliverance
6 White Nights, Red Morning
7 Passage Into Light

Series Sale (Female) Header

In this grab bag, we have 6 e-books from the Second Chances Series which were written by Melody Carlson and published by WhiteFire Publishing. The prices that the publisher has provided are under each ebook cover.

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Author(s): Janet Parshall & Craig Parshall
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

The numerous legal, moral, and social threats on the horizon in America have caused many Christians to wonder whether they can truly make a difference. Contrary to some current voices that have called for retreat, Janet and Craig Parshall explain why Christians must engage the culture as never before in order to fulfill the whole mission of the church. In The Light in the City, the Parshalls help readers understand the biblical basis for the need for Christians to be actively involved in the formation of public policy. Issues addressed in this book are as current as tabloid headlines. The Light in the City not only gives a biblical and historical basis for Christian involvement, but it also provides practical strategies and personal testimonies of encouragement.

Author(s): Andrew Preston
Publisher: Anchor
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

NOTE: We are unaware of the author’s own personal faith, but the topic will be of interest to many Christians.

A richly detailed, profoundly engrossing story of how religion has influenced American foreign relations, told through the stories of the men and women—from presidents to preachers—who have plotted the country’s course in the world.

Ever since John Winthrop argued that the Puritans’ new home would be “a city upon a hill,” Americans’ role in the world has been shaped by their belief that God has something special in mind for them. But this is a story that historians have mostly ignored. Now, in the first authoritative work on the subject, Andrew Preston explores the major strains of religious fervor—liberal and conservative, pacifist and militant, internationalist and isolationist—that framed American thinking on international issues from the earliest colonial wars to the twenty-first century. He arrives at some startling conclusions, among them: Abraham Lincoln’s use of religion in the Civil War became the model for subsequent wars of humanitarian intervention; nineteenth-century Protestant missionaries made up the first NGO to advance a global human rights agenda; religious liberty was the centerpiece of Franklin Roosevelt’s strategy to bring the United States into World War II.

From George Washington to George W. Bush, from the Puritans to the present, from the colonial wars to the Cold War, religion has been one of America’s most powerful sources of ideas about the wider world. When, just days after 9/11, George W. Bush described America as “a prayerful nation, a nation that prays to an almighty God for protection and for peace,” or when Barack Obama spoke of balancing the “just war and the imperatives of a just peace” in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, they were echoing four hundred years of religious rhetoric. Preston traces this echo back to its source.

Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith is an unprecedented achievement: no one has yet attempted such a bold synthesis of American history. It is also a remarkable work of balance and fair-mindedness about one of the most fraught subjects in America.

Author(s): Tim Challies
Publisher: Cruciform Press
Price: $2.99       (Feb 14-15)
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Plan to Run

Train to Run

Run to Win

Anyone can start a race, but it takes planning and training to finish it.

A good long-distance runner knows the importance of planning his race. As he passes the starting line he is already considering how he will cross the finish line. As he takes his first easy step, he has planned how he will take his last grueling step.

As a Christian man, you are already running the race of life. You are not competing against other people, but against the deadly enemies of the world, the flesh, and the devil. How do you plan to maintain your pace throughout this race? To obtain the prize, you will need to run to the very end. You will need to cross that finish line. And to do that, you will need to plan your race. You will need to plan the ways you will run today so you can continue to run in the difficult days ahead. That is what this book is all about.

Smart Women Know When to SayAuthor(s): Dr. Kevin Leman
Publisher: Revell
Price: $1.99       (Ends Feb 18)
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Many women try too hard to be nice. It’s a way of life for many who live in a culture that expects them to be the ones who “keep everyone happy.” But what happens when keeping everyone else happy drains your own happiness?

This book by bestselling author Dr. Kevin Leman shows how women who find themselves manipulated by impassivity, guilt, or abusive behavior can learn to assert themselves while maintaining their “pleasing” personalities.

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