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Just One TouchAuthor(s): Cynthia Conner Goyang
Publisher: Ambassador International
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

Now a certain woman had a flow of blood for twelve years and had suffered many things from many physicians. She had spent all that she had and was no better, but rather grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment. For she said, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.” —Mark 5:25-28

Have you ever wondered what might this woman’s life have been like prior to her years of suffering from this ailment, or what would she have endured during the years of her infirmity? How would she have felt as she forced her way through the crowd to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment and how might her life have been affected afterwards?

Meet Sapira, a woman of striking beauty from humble beginnings. She emerges by means of marriage to a life of luxury. After many unfortunate events, Sapira loses everything—her family, her place in the community, her wealth, and her health—until the day she pushes forward to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment.

In her debut biblical fiction, Cynthia Goyang invites readers to learn more about the woman in Mark through this intriguing tale about a woman who had faith enough to be healed by Jesus.

faith hope loveAuthor(s): Mark Jones
Publisher: Crossway Books
Price: $4.99       (Ends June 15)
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“So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13

Faith, hope, and love—we hear a lot about each on their own, but how are they related? Why is this triad mentioned so often in the New Testament?

Written in the form of fifty-eight questions and answers, this book reveals how these three theological virtues—also referred to as “three divine sisters”—together serve as the foundation for our whole Christian life. Deeply scriptural, steeped in key theological texts, and modeled after the classic catechisms of church history, this book will instruct our minds, stir our hearts, and motivate us to faith-filled obedience.

Thoughts On Religious ExperienceAuthor(s): Archibald Alexander
Publisher: GLH Publishing
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

The nature of spiritual experience is probably both the most interesting and the most difficult subject in Christian literature: interesting because it concerns human life in all observable stages from childhood to death, and embraces all the emotions and behavior possible in a man regenerated by the Holy Spirit; difficult because the adequate treatment of the subject makes immense demands upon the author. To trace sanctification and backsliding, as they appear in human consciousness, presupposes a sound biblical theology as well as a spirituality of mind and a pastoral knowledge broad enough to interpret all the varieties in type which occur.

Twenty years a pastor and preacher in a revival era, then forty years a professor at Princeton Theological Seminary (commenced in 1812 when he was the sole instructor), Archibald Alexander brought to this volume the best wisdom of his life. From his own observations, and from case histories drawn from Christian biography, he follows his subject with the hand of a master. He was, in Dr. Theodore Woolsey’s words, ‘The Shakespeare of the Christian heart’. Primarily concerned with what ought to be the impression made upon the life by scriptural truths he has nothing of the vague devotionalism of the religious mystics. But within this biblical context, a wide variety of experiences passes under review, along with a consideration of the practical problems involved in an understanding of the new-birth, Christian growth, spiritual conflict, and kindred subjects.

This is a lucid and fascinating volume almost alone in the field which it covers.

This Do in Remembrance of MeAuthor(s): Arie Elshout
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Some Christians struggle with doubts and dread the thought of participating in the Lord’s Supper for fear of taking it unworthily. In this book, Arie Elshout provides tender encouragement to such sensitive souls. Distinguishing between the assurance of faith and the assurance of sense, Elshout reminds us that weak faith is faith nonetheless. Wise pastoral counsel is also given on areas of self-examination and the distinguishing marks of true grace. Here is a helping hand extended to all who are sorry for their sins and take refuge in Christ, and a reminder that the Lord desires to comfort and refresh penitent sinners with the gospel promises of His Table.

Arie Elshout (1923–1991) served as a minister for 32 years in the Gereformeerde Gemeenten of the Netherlands, and in its sister denomination, the Netherlands Reformed Congregations of North America.

“Where can doubting Christians find reliable guidance concerning the Lord’s Supper? In a day when the professing church is full of leaders who do not know how to care for the flock, fearful souls are sure to find comfort from the pen of this proven shepherd of souls. Arie Elshout’s book was born out of the crucible of ministerial experience and furnishes a scriptural staff to lead the tossed and tempted beside quiet streams and green pastures. May it lead many to profit from the meal of which Christ said, ‘With desire, I have desired to eat this Passover with you’ (Luke 22:15).” – Gerald M. Bilkes, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

grace of godAuthor(s): Andy Stanley
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $1.99       (June 8-10)
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“Grace. It’s what we crave most when our guilt is exposed. It’s the very thing we are hesitant to extend when we are confronted with the guilt of others—especially when their guilt has robbed us of something we consider valuable.

Therein is the struggle, the struggle for grace. It’s this struggle that makes grace more story than doctrine. It’s the struggle that reminds us that grace is bigger than compassion or forgiveness. That struggle is the context for both. When we are on the receiving end, grace is refreshing. When it is required of us, it is often disturbing. But when correctly applied, it seems to solve just about everything. This struggle is not new; it has been going on since the beginning.”

—Andy Stanley

We find in the pages of Scripture that the stories found there often mirror our own stories, and that we too need the very thing we do not deserve: the grace of God.

From the beginning, the church has had an uneasy relationship with grace. The gravitational pull is always toward graceless religion. The odd thing is that when you read the New Testament, the only thing Jesus stood against consistently was graceless religion. The only group he attacked relentlessly was graceless religious leaders.

Even now as you think about grace, there might be a little voice in your head whispering, “It can’t be that easy!”

“What about obedience?”

“What about disobedience?”

“What about repeated misbehavior?”

“What about bad habits?”

“What about justice?”

“What about repentance?”

It’s this tension that makes grace so slippery. But that’s the beauty and the truth of grace. We don’t deserve it. We can’t earn it. It can’t be qualified. But God gives it to us anyway because he loves us unconditionally.

The story of grace is your story. And as you are about to discover grace plays a larger role than you imagine.

52 things dadAuthor(s): Jay Payleitner
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

“God, please help me…another game of Candy Land…”

Quite a few dads spend time with their kids. However, many have no clue what their kids really need.

Enter author Jay Payleitner, veteran dad of five, who’s also struggled with how to build up his children’s lives. His 52 Things Kids Need from a Dad combines straightforward features with step-up-to-the-mark challenges men will appreciate:

a full year’s worth of focused, doable ideas—one per week, if desired
uncomplicated ways to be an example, like “kiss your wife in the kitchen”
tough, frank advice, like “throw away your porn”
And, refreshingly…

NO exhaustive (and exhausting) lists of “things you should do”
NO criticism of dads for being men and acting like men
Dads will feel respected and empowered, and gain the confidence to initiate activities that build lifelong positives into their kids. Great gift or men’s group resource!

Author(s): Charles Spurgeon
Publisher: GLH Publishing
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

Praying is one of the most important pieces of a Christian’s life in the six sermon’s in ‘The Power of Prayer’ collection Spurgeon shows why it is powerful and how a believer might go about prayer.

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