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Doubting Thomas?: The Religious Life and Legacy of Thomas JeffersonAuthor(s): Mark A. Beliles & Jerry Newcombe
Publisher: Morgan James Faith
Price: $1.99       DEAL EXPIRED
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A religious historian argues that historical revisionism has distorted the religious views of Thomas Jefferson, making him appear far more skeptical than he was.

Thomas Jefferson and the founding fathers intended a strict separation of church and state, right? He would have been very upset to find out about a child praying in a public school or a government building used for religious purposes, correct? Actually, the history on this has been very distorted. The standard accepted story on the faith of Thomas Jefferson (or the lack thereof) is not accurate. While he did harbor some doubts about orthodox Christianity by the end of his life, he was actually quite active in supporting the church in America. Meanwhile, in his name today, because of a misunderstanding about “the separation of church and state” (a phrase that comes from an obscure letter he wrote), religious expression is being curtailed all over the place in modern America. And he would absolutely object to that, as seen in his own actions and writings. While Jefferson may seem to be the patron saint of the ACLU, his words and actions showed that he would totally disagree with the idea of driving God out of the public square. Doubting Thomas documents that. In short, it’s time to set the record straight.

behind enemy linesAuthor(s): Nancy Drummond
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.23       Buy Now!

In the years before Andrew van der Bijl took the name Brother Andrew, he was no stranger to adventure and intrigue – in fact, he craved it. As a young lad, he was forever getting into mischief, and even risked his life during the Nazi occupation of Holland by setting off fireworks in the faces of German soldiers! Years later, God used this same thirst for danger and excitement as Andrew smuggled Bibles into Communist countries to help the persecuted, underground church and bring light to darkened hearts. Enemy lines and hostile borders mean nothing to God or to Andrew, who still works to assist the persecuted church across the world through the organization he founded, Open Doors.

my grandchildAuthor(s): Dr. Kevin Leman & Kevin II Leman
Publisher: Revell
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

Every child is special. And every child deserves to be recognized for what makes him or her unique. Now grandfather and bestselling author, Dr. Kevin Leman, and his artist son, Kevin Leman II, offer grandparents the perfect way to tell their grandchild just how wonderful he or she is.
A read-to-me children’s picture book, My Grandchild, There’s No One Like You conveys love, acceptance, and a sense of individuality to grandchildren. The combination of Dr. Kevin Leman’s trademark humor and his talented son’s artwork makes this book such a wonderful gift, grandparents will want to buy one for each of their very special grandchildren.

The Perpetual Battle: The World, the Flesh and the DevilAuthor(s): Simon Vibert
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (June 28-29)
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Through the joys and sorrows of life, we can often lose sight of what the Bible has assured us: we are at war, and must be ready, continually standing firm against the world, the Devil and even our own flesh. The Perpetual Battle is a training manual, helping us know our enemy and understand what it means to live in enemy–occupied territory as we learn to fight the good fight.

World Religions: An Indispensable Introduction (Nelson's Quick Guides)Author(s): Gerald R McDermott
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $1.99       (June 28-30)
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An essential introduction to eight of the world’s major religions. Gerald R. McDermott explains what you need to understand about major world religions in order to engage people of other faiths while better understanding your own Christian faith and practice. McDermott offers an overview of the central beliefs of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, and Shinto. Each chapter includes explanations of traditions and rituals. McDermott discusses major figures within each religion.

Features include:

Insights from members of each religious community
Glossary of important terms

bring the light to schoolAuthor(s): Ingrid DeDecker
Publisher: N/A
Price: FREE       (Ends June 30)
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If you worry about kids in public schools… if you are concerned about your children or grandchildren getting in with the wrong crowd and perhaps losing their faith altogether… then you need the answers this book provides.

If you see the next generation in dire need of direction and hope, and want children to know the love of God, then pull back the cover and start reading.

Our public schools are barraged daily, but we can alter the onslaught!
Discover how you have access to school campuses in a way you never imagined–from elementary through high school.
Learn clear strategies to bring the love of God directly to students.
Enable students to stand together instead of caving to peer pressure.
Schools need moral answers and are wide open to Christian Clubs.
Parents and concerned adults are discovering their legal and constitutional rights and starting Christian clubs in every level of school across the country.

Christian leaders are openly sharing the love of God in high schools and bringing hope.

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