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Author(s): Michael Farris
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99        (Sept 11-12)
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American advocates of freedom did not believe in religious liberty in spite of their Christianity, but explicitly because of their individual faith in Christ, which had been molded and instructed by the Bible. The greatest evidence of their commitment to liberty can be found in their willingness to support the cause of freedom for those different from themselves.

The assertion that the Enlightenment is responsible for the American Bill of Rights may be common, but it is devoid of any meaningful connection to the actual historical account. History reveals a different story, intricately gathered from the following:

– Influence of William Tyndale’s translation work and the court intrigues of Henry VIII
– Spread of the Reformation through the eyes of Martin Luther, John Knox, and John Calvin
– The fight to establish a bill of rights that would guarantee every American citizen the free exercise of their religion.

James Madison played a key role in the founding of America and in the establishment of religious liberty. But the true heroes of our story are the common people whom Tyndale inspired and Madison marshaled for political victory. These individuals read the Word of God for themselves and truly understood both the liberty of the soul and the liberty of the mind.

Author(s): Michael L. Brown
Publisher: Destiny Image Publishers
Price:  $0.99       (Ends Sept 12)
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Get Revived . . . and Stay On Fire! 
 “I had such a powerful experience with God. He touched my heart so deeply… and after that one encounter, I wanted to live for Jesus every day for the rest of my life.”
Then life went back to normal.
Sound familiar?
Perhaps you’ve had an encounter with God that powerfully impacted your life – where sin, addiction, spiritual dryness or other struggles simply faded away. If such experiences are commonplace when revival is happening, then . . .
How can I experience revival every single day of my life?
With guidance from the leaders of the Brownsville Revival and the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival, you will ignite and sustain your passion for Jesus and learn how:

  • Desperate prayer unleashes the supernatural power of God into your life
  • Repentance is your key to enjoying unbroken intimacy with the Holy Spirit
  • You can become a catalyst for a great awakening in your church, city, and nation

Get ready to live passionately for Jesus, walk out God’s divine purpose for your life, and enjoy His presence on a daily basis.
It’s time to revive your fire!

Author(s): Deeanne Gist
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

From the day she arrives at the Biltmore, Tillie Reese is dazzled–by the riches of the Vanderbilts and by Mack Danvers, a mountain man turned footman. When Tillie is enlisted to help tame Mack’s rugged behavior by tutoring him in the ways of refined society, the resulting sparks threaten Tillie’s efforts to be chosen as Edith Vanderbilt’s lady’s maid. But the stakes rise even higher when Mack and Tillie become entangled in a cover-up at the town orphanage. They could both lose their jobs…and their hearts.

Author(s): Suzanne Eller
Publisher: Revell
Price: $0.99        Buy Now!

The word forgive is not, as many people think, one dimensional. It does not just mean let go and let God, a challenge for anyone who has experienced traumatizing abuse, injustice, neglect, or abandonment. In The Unburdened Heart, Suzanne Eller explores with readers the multiple facets of forgiveness found in the Scriptures, focusing in particular on the idea of leaving one place to go to another. Anyone can, with the help of God’s Spirit, leave pain to find wholeness, leave regret to find purpose, and leave the past to live fully in the present. The Unburdened Heart uses the power of story along with biblical teaching to lead readers into healing and a forgiving lifestyle.

Author(s): J.D. King
Publisher: N/A
Price: $2.99        (Sept 9-20)
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The media is lying to you about the supposed horrible state of the world, and we swallow it—hook, line, and sinker. While the news focuses on homicides, brutal terrorist acts, and warnings about global diseases, they are only telling part of the story. In this meticulously researched book, J.D. King gathers stories, statistics, and relevant data to prove his point that the world is improving. Written to encourage you during these tumultuous times, Why You’ve Been Duped into Believing that the World Is Getting Worse presents a hopeful view of what’s happening around the globe.

Author(s): Matthew McCullough
Publisher: Crossway Books
Price: $2.99        (Sept 10-11)
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Life-expectancy worldwide is twice what it was a hundred years ago. And because of modern medicine, many of us don’t often see death up close. That makes it easy to live as if death is someone else’s problem. It isn’t.

Ignoring the certainty of death doesn’t protect us from feeling its effects throughout the lives we’re living now. But this avoidance can hold us back from experiencing the powerful, everyday relevance of Jesus’s promises to us. So long as death remains remote and unreal, Jesus’s promises will too.

But honesty about death brings hope to life. That’s the ironic claim at the heart of this book. Cultivating “death-awareness” helps us bring the promises of Jesus from the hazy clouds of some other world into the everyday problems of our world—where they belong.

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