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In this grab bag, we have 9 e-books from B&H. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Jan 22 Only

Jan 22 Only

Jan 22 Only

Jan 22 Only

Jan 22 Only

Jan 22 Only

Jan 22 Only

Jan 22 Only

Jan 22 Only

Author(s): Andrew Louth
Publisher:  IVP Academic
Price: $2.99       (Jan 22-23)
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The rich tapestry of the creation narrative in the early chapters of Genesis proved irresistible to the thoughtful, reflective minds of the church fathers. Within them they found the beginning threads from which to weave a theology of creation, Fall, and redemption. Following their mentor the apostle Paul, they explored the profound significance of Adam as a type of Christ, the second Adam. The six days of creation proved especially attractive among the fathers as a subject for commentary, with Basil the Great and Ambrose producing well-known Hexaemerons. Similarly, Augustine devoted portions of five works to the first chapter of Genesis. As in previous volumes within the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, the range of comment contained in this volume spans from the first century to the eighth and from East to West, from Greek and Latin speakers to Syriac. This ACCS volume on Genesis 1-11 opens up a treasure house of ancient wisdom that allows these faithful witnesses, some appearing here in English translation for the first time, to speak with eloquence and intellectual acumen to the church today. Especially helpful is the volume editor’s provision of Septuagintal alternative readings to the Masoretic text, which are often necessary to understanding the fathers’ flow of thought.

Author(s):  Jonathon M. Seidl
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Jan 22-23)
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“Jon knows, better than most, what it means to battle anxiety and how to forge a path to victory. He also treats it with care, and pushes the conversation to places that it hasn’t often gone in the church.”
–Kirk Cameron

In the aftermath of the pandemic, even those who have never struggled with mental health have found themselves reeling, looking for answers they don’t know how to find. For Christians, especially those who’ve despaired of help from a church that has too often stigmatized poor mental health as a lack of faith, the way forward can be particularly difficult to see.

Jonathon Seidl aims to fix that. Having fought his own way through crippling anxiety, life-altering OCD, and suicidal thoughts, he knows the value of concrete advice grounded in strong biblical truth. Instead of the trite or unsympathetic counsel that’s too often given, Finding Rest is practical, personal, and productive. Full of compelling stories, humor from a guide who’s still on his journey, and scriptural truths, this book offers real hope and help. It also provides a lifeline for friends and family who long for ways to help relieve the suffering of their loved ones. And it calls to account the church for its historical treatment of mental health and lays out thoughtful, needed paths for the body of Christ to become a refuge of hope for the anxious.


Series Sale (Female) Header

In this grab bag, we have 3 e-books from the End Times Trilogy series which were written by Donna VanLiere and published by Harvest House. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends Jan 31

Ends Jan 31

Ends Jan 31

Author(s): J.T. English
Publisher:  B&H Books
Price: $4.99       (Jan 19 Only)
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Everyone is being discipled. The question is: what is discipling us?

The majority of Christians today are being discipled by popular media, flashy events, and folk theology because churches have neglected their responsibility to make disciples. But the church is not a secondary platform in the mission of God; it is the primary platform God uses to grow people into the image of Jesus. Therefore, as church leaders, it is our primary responsibility to establish environments and relationships where people can be trained, grow, and be sent as disciples.

There are three indispensable elements of discipleship:
Learning to participate in the biblical story (the Bible)
Growing in our confession of who God is and who we are (theology)
Regularly participating in private and corporate intentional action (spiritual disciplines)

Deep Discipleship equips churches to reclaim the responsibility of discipling people at any point on their journey.

Author(s): Matt Fuller
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Jan 19-20)
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Deuteronomy is probably not the first book any preacher would choose to preach, and yet Jesus quoted it regularly. It is the climax of the Pentateuch. It explains the fundamental categories of blessings and curse which explain the rest of Israel’s history up until exile and return. It offers up a choice for God’s people – life or death, blessing or curse. Moses exhorts the people to choose to love the Lord and obey him in response to his grace today.

In his helpful guide Matt Fuller suggests ways preachers might want to tackle Deuteronomy and shows the important of preaching the book to Christians. He urges them to preach Deuteronomy as an urgent and passionate call to love the Lord wholeheartedly, to choose to love him each and every day.

This series is designed to help the pastor/preacher, a small group leader or a youth worker teach their way through a Biblical book. It will help you in planning and executing a lesson advising on background, structure, key points and application.


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