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Author(s): Matt Chandler
Publisher: Good Book Company
Price: $2.99        (Jan 15-16)
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We all wonder how we will cope in times of terrible suffering, and how we can best support others who are suffering. And we all ask the question: how does suffering square with God’s character and purpose?

As a young pastor, Matt Chandler knew he needed to learn how to help to hurt people. He studied the Scriptures, and he learned from people at the Village Church who remained joyful in their suffering. And then suddenly he was having to live what he’d learned.

This is the moving story of Matt’s battle with a potentially fatal brain tumor. But it’s also the stories of those who taught him and teach him, how to walk with joy in sorrow.

This book will make you cry, laugh, and worship God. And you will see how you can live with joy when times of sorrow come, and how you can support others going through tough times.


Author(s): Simon Schrock
Publisher: New Leaf Press
Price: $2.99        (Jan 15-16)
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Jesus told us that the greatest commandment is to love God with all of our heart, soul, strength, and mind and the second greatest is to love our neighbor as ourselves. We often emphasize the vertical relationship with God, while the horizontal relationships with our neighbors are neglected.

Simon Schrock has written a gentle reminder to each of us about our duty to our fellow man. At one time or another, everyone needs a helping hand, an encouraging pat on the back, or simply someone to listen. One Anothering prompts us to be genuine and loving in our relationships with Christ as our example. (more…)

Author(s): Ron Hall
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $1.99        (Jan 15 Only)
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“I saw his face.” Deborah Hall’s words launched the destiny of two men from very different worlds. Ron Hall was an international art dealer with upscale tastes; Denver Moore was a homeless drifter with a dangerous past. Millions have read about their unlikely bond through their first book, Same Kind of Different as Me—a New York Times bestseller and now a major motion picture.

Workin’ Our Way Home describes the ten years Ron and Denver lived together after Miss Debbie’s death. Written in both Ron’s and Denver’s unique voices, their inspiring (and often hilarious) adventures include:

Their sometimes-bizarre life together in the Murchison Mansion,
Denver accidentally almost burning the house down—twice,
The challenges involved with making a movie,
Two visits to the White House,
Travelling the country to raise awareness about homelessness,
And much more.
With both wit and wisdom, these pages reveal God’s plan lived out through these men and those closest to them, including their passion to fulfill Debbie’s dream of easing the pain and humiliation associated with homelessness, poverty, and inequality.

“Whether we is rich or whether we is poor, or somethin in between, this earth ain’t no final restin place. So in a way, we is all homeless—ever last one of us—just workin our way home.”

—Denver Moore


Author(s): Jordan Loftis
Publisher: Story Chorus
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

What does winning look like for you?

Today, our constant access to analytics and instant feedback comes with a problem: there are no ready-made scoreboards for our lives. However, this doesn’t stop us from keeping score.

Internally, we tally points, and those points calibrate our emotional lives. They drive our decisions, self-perceptions, and actions in surprising—sometimes destructive—ways.

Discover a system for finding your purpose, choosing where to grow, understanding what success looks like, defining how to get there, and knowing how to win every day.

Not just for yourself, but for everyone in your life.


Author(s): Rick Richardson
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $2.99        (Ends Jan 14)
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Many bemoan the decline of the church. We hear a steady stream of reports about how droves of people, especially younger generations, are abandoning Christianity. But new research shows that unchurched Americans are surprisingly more receptive and open to the Christian faith than is commonly assumed.
Researcher and practitioner Rick Richardson unveils the findings of the Billy Graham Center Institute’s groundbreaking studies on the unchurched. A study of 2000 unchurched people across the country reveals that the unchurched are still remarkably open to faith conversations and the church. Even unchurched “nones” and millennials are quite receptive if they are approached in particular ways.
In this book you will also find best practices from further research into the top ten percent of churches that most effectively reach the unchurched. People who were previously unchurched share what actually moved them to faith and Christian commitment. And the research shows that churches and organizations can be transformed to become places where conversion growth becomes the new normal.
If people tell you “the sky is falling,” don’t believe them. In today’s troubled world, unchurched and unbelieving people are newly receptive to hearing good news. You can lead the change that will help your church reach people―who then reach others.

Author(s): J. V. Fesko
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99        (Jan 14-15)
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The doctrine of imputation is the ground in which salvation is rooted. It is often seen as superfluous or splitting hairs, and yet, without it, redemption automatically becomes reliant on our own works and assurance of salvation is suddenly not so sure. J. V. Fesko works through this doctrine looking at its long history in the church, its exegetical foundation, and its dogmatic formulation. In exploring imputed guilt from the First Adam alongside the imputed righteousness from the Second, this volume offers a helpfully well-rounded explanation of the doctrine.

Author(s): Kara-Kae James
Publisher: David C. Cook
Price: $1.99        Buy Now!

Every mom can identify with the feeling that they’re in a race to the finish line every day, stumbling over everything in their path—including Legos and dirty laundry!

Kara-Kae James knows how overwhelming motherhood can be. As she writes, “When we come to the place where we think that we have failed—this is the moment when God’s Word and motherhood intersect.”

In Mom Up, James shares four themes that impact how she follows Jesus and parents her kids: intentional motherhood, genuine community, refreshing rest, and embracing chaos. With practical ideas for building relationships with other moms, grace-filled Scripture reminders, and a healthy dose of humor, Mom Up helps readers step out of survival mode and into the abundant life God has for them and their family.

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