
Secret Place of Thunder

Author(s): John Starke
Publisher: Zondervan
Price: $2.99       (Ends June 30)
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Why do we feel like we are always performing? Where does this impulse come from?

As John Starke shows in The Secret Place of Thunder, our modern world has internalized the idea that the markers of having an admirable and successful life are primarily visible. It leads us to believe that a sense of self-worth and identity are metrics to be displayed. The performance of the self has become more important than the reality. We live as if the most important things about us are to be performed before others; that our deepest happiness will come from being who others think we ought to be.

But when Jesus says, “Do not practice your righteousness before others,” he is leading us to believe that the most important things about us are hidden. How does the Bible lead us to live primarily before God? How does Jesus lead us to wholeness?

Jesus teaches us to live, not for the eyes of others or even for ourselves, but in the secret place where our Father in heaven sees and rewards.


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