
Building a Resilient Life

Author(s): Rebekah Lyons
Publisher: Zondervan
Price: $2.99       (Ends July 17)
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Awaken to a hope you can always rely on and a strength you never knew you had by incorporating these five rules of resilience into your life.

With compassionate wisdom and powerful testimony, Rebekah Lyons (bestselling author of Rhythms of Renewal) will come alongside you as a friend in these difficult times—helping you face your fears, pains, and anxieties and learn how they drive us closer to God.

Life is hard for so many reasons. Many of us have dealt with loss, discouragement, trauma, intense hardship. In all this, it can be tempting to try to dodge trials and move past the pain as quickly as possible. Building a Resilient Life is a roadmap not only to overcome adversity but to incorporate it into your healing process.

Though Rebekah’s unique blend of story, psychology, theology, and biblical teaching, you will:

Embrace your struggles and develop a resilience and joy that isn’t dependent on circumstances.
Recognize your triggers for feeling overwhelmed so that you can reset.
Cultivate a strong community to rally around you in stressful seasons.
Overcome setbacks without giving up.
As you use these five rules to build your own resilient life, you’ll encounter the God who offers you a peace beyond understanding, a hope beyond today, and a strength and joy you never even knew you had


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