
Radical Discipleship

Author(s): Roger Steer
Publisher: 10Publishing
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

A radical disciple – sounds kind of cool in a spiritual sort of way. But what exactly is one?
A student who proudly parades around campus with their CU hoodie with a big Bible verse on the back? Or a rugby player who has a cross marked on his wrist strapping? Maybe it’s just the person who gets up before everyone else to read their Bible and pray?

Whatever it means to be radical, Hudson Taylor was it. A chemist’s son from Yorkshire who became a student in London, unremarkable in looks and not very elegant in speech. Yet this passionate disciple of Christ was determined to take the gospel to China’s unpioneered inland provinces, and he grew into one of the most significant missionaries of all time.

Best selling author, Roger Steer has drawn together a collection of real-life instances from Taylor’s remarkable life, each one teaching, by example, the true meaning of radical discipleship. As you will see to remain a radical disciple in tough situations tests everything we believe.

Be careful though, take this book seriously and you too may become radical.

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