
We’re 3 Years Old Today!

Happy Birthday To Us!

Today we celebrate our 3rd birthday! On Oct 19 2010 we launched as the Twitter account @freeonkindle. A few months later we expanded to a full website under the name Gospel eBooks. Each year that goes by, the site continues to grow and for that, we are grateful. We want to thank you for making Gospel eBooks your place to find discount Christian e-books. We’re in it for the long haul!


On our third birthday we’d like to give away three e-books to three different people. To enter just leave a comment below and let us know what e-book you’d like to read next and why you’d like that book. We’ll hand-pick one male and one female winner and then the third will be randomly selected. Entries will close tonight at midnight (EST) and the winners will be selected shortly after. Feel free to select any book in the Kindle store that’s $12 or less.

Update: The winners have been chosen. If you were selected please contact us to claim your prize.

Random Winner: Victor Scott “Live Like A Narnian” by Joe Rigney

Female Winner: Sunnie Gillespie “You’ll Get Through This” by Max Lucado”

Male Winner: Chris Jordan “The Gospel and Personal Evangelism” by Mark Dever


If you’d like to give us a present on our birthday, we have numerous non-monetary ways you could help us. Some are as simple as a click of the mouse. We’d really appreciate it if you’d follow us and/or share us as “presents” to us. A sincere thank you if you do!

Line Space Separator

Can’t see where to comment? If you’re on the main page of the website click on the title of this post and then scroll to the bottom to see where to comment.


  1. I would like Clear Winter Nights by Trevino Wax because it’s sounds like what I need right now

  2. Jonathan Stock ចននី Says: October 19, 2013 at 9:08 am

    I’d like to read Chosen for life: The case for divine election by Sam Storms. The reason is that Storms is a great theologian and author, and he is writing here on a topic which interests me greatly!

  3. Constance Cole Says: October 19, 2013 at 9:10 am

    I’d like the Lutheran Service Book or Daily Prayers, or Every Day with the Church Fathers – something to uplift and remind me that Christ is the centre and without Him life is meaningless.

  4. Bobby Baden Says: October 19, 2013 at 9:13 am

    Happy birthday! I’d love to prepare for the birth of my first child by reading ‘First-Time Dad’ by John Fuller!

  5. Dustin Turner Says: October 19, 2013 at 9:17 am

    I’m working on my Ph.D at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary & would love to read ” What is Postmodern Biblical Criticism by A.K.M. Adam.

  6. I’d love to read The Milk Memos: How Real Moms Learned to Mix Business with Babies-and How You Can, Too — for your birthday!

  7. Kyle Abel Says: October 19, 2013 at 9:44 am

    I would love to read “Follow Me” by David Platt. Our church is currently going through his “Radical” small group study, and I love it. I have read Platt’s “Radical” and “Radical Together.” I can’t wait to read “Follow Me.”

  8. Benidictus Jobeanto Says: October 19, 2013 at 9:46 am

    I’d like to read Tim Keller new book about suffering as i believe that can help me to strength me each day and remind me that God is always be with me

  9. Mia L Braddock Says: October 19, 2013 at 9:46 am

    I’d like to read “The surprising way to a better marriage: How the power of one changes everything” by Michael Smalley

  10. I would love to read Clear Winter Nights by Trevin Wax. Happy Birthday! Thank you for this ministry to let us know cheaper and free e-books. Now, I just need to find all the time to read and read.

  11. Well done on your birthday.. you’ve gone from strength to strength, serving so many of us. I’d love a book that’s been on my wish-list for ages as I wait t0 afford it! Sacred Pathways, by Gary Thomas.
    Thanks so much for this offer.

  12. Daniel Gilland Says: October 19, 2013 at 9:54 am

    Tim Keller’s newest book ‘Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering’. Such a powerful topic for today’s culture as well as a topic that every single one of us will deal with.

  13. Ninel Lazar Says: October 19, 2013 at 9:58 am

    Happy birthday! and big thanks for the wonderful work you do!

    I would enjoy “Jesus on every page” by David Murray. I love the way he uncovers the Gospel message in the Old Testament without neglecting the biblical context, the historical, cultural, and religious context of the OT.

  14. Happy Birthday! I’d like to read Gospel Coach by Scott Thomas, Tom Wood.

  15. Linda S Dillard Says: October 19, 2013 at 10:01 am

    I would like to read “The Quiet Place – Daily Devotional Readings” by Nancy Leigh DeMoss for daily encouragement in my walk with the Lord. Thanks for all the wonderful books you point us to!

  16. Would love Kingdom through Covenant, since I am teaching in Africa and there is no other way for me to get it right now except in ebook

  17. Andrew Tate Says: October 19, 2013 at 10:10 am

    I’d like to read Decisive by Chip and Dan Heath, simply because I’d like to learn to make better choices at home, work and in life! Happy birthday! Thanks for your website and your work. You have turned me into an official e-book hoarder!

  18. Kurt Michaelson Says: October 19, 2013 at 10:11 am

    I’d like to read For the Love of God (Vol. 1, Trade Paperback): A Daily Companion for Discovering the Riches of God’s Word by D.A. Carson [Kindle Edition]. Why? Because I’ve not read this book before and it’s on my Amazon wish list.

  19. Bethany Finch Schaetzle Says: October 19, 2013 at 10:12 am

    Happy birthday! Thank you for serving us. I would like to read Women Living Well by Courtney Joseph. This is her first book and she is a great mentor on her blog for women desiring to follow God as they raise their children in His ways.

  20. Lanny Bivens Says: October 19, 2013 at 10:15 am

    Happy 3rd birthday!!! I would love to read the new book by Jerry Jenkins called “I, Saul.” The fictional and modern day take on Saul of Tarsus. http://www.amazon.com/I-Saul-Jerry-B-Jenkins-ebook/dp/B00DCAY8O4/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=2WEHDIYQN39QC&coliid=ISK8HSWDVVLR0

  21. Joni Akins Says: October 19, 2013 at 10:19 am

    Happy birthday! I would like to read His Princess: Love Letters From Your King by Sheri Rose Shepherd. Despite all that may be going on in my life, I can read this (as well as my Bible) and know that God has my best interests in mind.

  22. Chris Hohnholz Says: October 19, 2013 at 10:19 am

    Happy birthday you guys! Love this site! I would be blessed to get ahold of “Preaching and Preachers” by D. Martin Lloyd Jones.

  23. Nathan and Maryah Woerner Says: October 19, 2013 at 10:27 am

    I am looking forward to reading Faith and Feelings by Brian Borgman, My wife and I are preparing for a life of international missions and know just how emotionally challenging that can be. This book handles that topic well.

  24. Becky Will Says: October 19, 2013 at 10:31 am

    Whispers of Hope: 10 Weeks of Devotional Prayer by Moore, Beth

  25. Chris Jordan Says: October 19, 2013 at 10:34 am

    Happy Birthday! You have blessed me greatly on a daily basis. Keep up the great work. I would love to read the kindle edition of `The Gospel and Personal Evangelism` by Mark Dever. Just as Gospelebooks.net shares book deals on a daily basis, I want to share the gospel with lost folks on a daily basis. “…and the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.” Thank you!

  26. Heather Turner Says: October 19, 2013 at 10:35 am

    I’d like to read 1000 gifts! Thanks for all you do and Happy Birthday!

  27. Johnnyfiecka Says: October 19, 2013 at 10:39 am

    Way to be born Gospel eBooks! I have been waiting so long for the ESV Gospel Transformation Bible to come out and it is finally here! Why do I choose that one, you ask? Well I am in desperate need of being transformed by the Gospel each day! So could you find it in your heart to hook a needy brother up please? Thanks!

  28. Mike Southerland Says: October 19, 2013 at 10:45 am

    Happy Birthday Gospel eBooks! I would love to have Joel Beeke’s A Puritan Theology on my Kindle. I have the hardcopy book, and it is excellent. A digital text would be very convenient, as the print copy is very large and heavy to carry around.

  29. Steve Stutzman Says: October 19, 2013 at 10:55 am

    Happy birthday and glad I just found you! “The Intolerance of Tolerance” by DA Carson because it’s new and I believe every Christian should read Carson.

  30. Isabelle LUssier Says: October 19, 2013 at 10:57 am

    Happy Birthday!

    I would love to have

    Christian Reading Companion for 50 Classics

    Because we are homeschooling our kids and this book would allow us to cover classics during the middle and high school years. My oldest is in grade 7 and it would be perfect to have for language arts lessons.

  31. “The First 48 Hours: Spiritual Caregivers as First Responders” – This book was written by a Christian who is on staff with the Salvation Army and KLove Radio. He teaches classes around the country on this topic, one of which I was blessed to attend free. I would like to be better prepared to help in time of crisis and having this book in an electronic format would be very useful. Thank you for your wonderful ministry and Happy Birthday!

  32. dangreegor Says: October 19, 2013 at 10:59 am

    I would love to read Fred 2.0 by Mark Sanborn. I read the Fred Factor and loved it. I can’t wait to see what Fred 2.0 has

  33. Happy Birthday GE! I would love the opportunity to read Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung. I just started a new, very consuming job, and it seems a perceived sense of “busyness” has allowed other areas of my life to start suffering. I believe this book would be a great encouragement and lesson to me where I am right now.

  34. Carolyn Aspling Says: October 19, 2013 at 11:10 am

    Just found your site recently and didn’t know you had been online ONLY 3 years. What a blessing you have been to so many in those years. I shared your site with THREE people just today!!! Would love any book by Stormie Omartian…God Bless you and keep loving and serving our Lord…

  35. Sarah Thomas Says: October 19, 2013 at 11:11 am

    Congratulations guys! What a joy it’s been to be a part of your journey. My library and budget sings your praises! Thank you for the hangouts, giveaways, and numerous things you do to showcase Christian authors. It’s been a blessing to us all. :-)
    As for the book, I’d love to read: The Christian Homemaker’s Handbook by Pat Ennis. It’s a subject much discussed but rarely from the Lord’s perspective. Thank you and God Bless!

  36. Happy birthday! Your site has certainly kept me busy by providing a great, ever-changing range of books to pick from. I have been studying Calvinism and Arminianism for some time now, as I want to discern which view most closely represents God’s revelation to us. One book I have heard is especially good in this regard is James White’s “The Potter’s Freedom.” I would greatly appreciate a Kindle copy of that book.

  37. Betty Aliberti Bennett Says: October 19, 2013 at 11:21 am

    Happy Birthday thanks for helping me fill up my kindle. I would like to read Unspoken by Dee henderson

  38. Victor Scott Says: October 19, 2013 at 11:28 am

    The day I found this website was a great day. Thank you for your hard work!! Happy Birthday and keep it up! I share this site all the time (word of mouth). People are always surprised.

    Live Like A Narnian: Christian Discipleship in Lewis’s Chronicles

  39. I love your site ( but my wife doesn’t!) I check it every day and usually end up buying something. I tell her how much I’m saving but you know how that goes!

    Strange Fire please! I’ll pay the difference!

  40. William McPherson Says: October 19, 2013 at 11:36 am

    Andy Stanley’s “Deep and Wide”

  41. Jan Grobbelaar Says: October 19, 2013 at 11:37 am

    Discovering this
    webpage was one of the greatest discoveries in my life which blessed me
    abundantly (I nearly said the greatest discovery in my life but I do not
    think my wife of more than thirty years will be impressed if I say
    that!). I would love to read Making Room: Recovering Hospitality As a
    Christian Tradition by Christine Pohl. I am a missionary focusing on
    training for children’s ministry in Africa. I challenge churches to
    create, according to Matthew 18:5, a space of hospitality for all
    children, especially all the at risk children in Africa.. Reading this
    classical work on hospitality will help me to understand the biblical
    concept of hospitality more clearly and guide churches in Africa to
    apply it practically in creating there churches as hospital places for
    all children, welcoming and healing the many at risk children around

  42. Love your blog / website!! If I win, I’d pick a Kindle book I know my husband would love: “The Way of Jesus: To Repair and Renew the World” by Bruce Chilton

  43. Carol Mikula Says: October 19, 2013 at 11:38 am

    I would like to read One Light Still Shines by Marie Monville. I love to read true stories about how God changes lives and I have always had an interest in the Amish. I think this would be a great book about the power of forgiveness. Happy Birthday and may you have many more!

  44. Jeff Sandberg Says: October 19, 2013 at 11:38 am

    Happy birthday! What a ministry this has been to me.

    I’m very interested in Joel Beeke’s A Puritan Theology.

    Several sources sparked a great love for the puritans: RC Sproul, CH Spurgeon, Todd Friel, Gracegems.org, among others.

  45. Happy birthday!! I really enjoy being able to get free and discounted books everyday!! If I win a book it would be: one thousand gifts by ann voskamp. I think it’s really important to remember and think on the things you are grateful and thankful for and this book will show me how to do this better.

  46. Three years! that’s awesome! i only discovered this site a couple of months ago… but then again, that’s when i discovered the world kindle :)

    i would absolutely LOVE to read “Come To Me” by Laura J. Davis. I am such a fan of biblical-era fiction, and this one is written through the eyes of Mary, Jesus’ mother.

  47. JimandRuth Lee Says: October 19, 2013 at 11:44 am

    I was disappointed to find I was reading book one of a series of 4 by Ted Dekker called Eyes Wide Open and would love to read the next one called Mirrors. I love his writing and am often challenged spiritually by his deeper meanings that show up in his writings.

  48. Megan Williamson Says: October 19, 2013 at 11:44 am

    This page is such a blessing. I have found so many beneficial resources here. I would like to read Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. I have been learning about God’s amazing love the past few years and everyone is recommending I read this book.

  49. Happy Birthday! Your ebook lists have been such a blessing. I’d love to get “The Divine Conspiracy” by the late Dallas Willard. I think it would be an awesome book on discipleship.

    Oh since Disqus uses my initial I thought I should specify my gender: I’m female

  50. Andy Averill Says: October 19, 2013 at 11:54 am

    You guys have already helped me fill up my kindle with many books I was hoping for a new ones I’d never heard of! So thank you for your work!

    I’ve been hoping to read The Pastor’s Justification by Jared Wilson for a while. From what I’ve read about it, it’s a giant dose of Jesus and grace…both of which I need!

  51. Betty Brown Says: October 19, 2013 at 11:58 am

    I am addicted to your website. Everyday I scroll through the list even though I have way over 100 books and find it hard to resist another inviting book. Happy Birthday and thank you for making so many really good books available at such reasonable prices. The book I would love to read is “The Insanity of God,”. I like to read books that challenge my thinking and cause me to know God deeply. This appears to be that kind of book.

    Thank you.

  52. Elizabeth Lecavalier Says: October 19, 2013 at 12:01 pm

    Bonne Fête Gospel Ebook!! Thank you for existing! I would like to read “Center Church” from Timothy Keller.

  53. Bethany Geib Says: October 19, 2013 at 12:06 pm

    I’d love to read “A Million Little Ways” by Emily P. Freeman. I have her first book, “Grace for the Good Girl”, and it has been a tremendous encouragement to me. I am a missionary teacher in Peru and have downloaded I don’t know how many books from your site in the past few months I’ve had my Kindle. I’ve also been recommending it to every Kindle owner I know. Thank you so much and many blessings for the next many years to come!

  54. Seeking Disciple Says: October 19, 2013 at 12:25 pm

    God bless you guys for what you do. I enjoy the books! I would like to read “Life in the Son” by Robert Shank. While dated, the book is a great read for those studying eternal security.

  55. starrmomma Says: October 19, 2013 at 12:29 pm

    Happy Birthday! I love this website and have downloaded numerous books that have encouraged me. I’d love a copy of Tolkien’s The Hobbit on my kindle add that’s a book I’ll continue to read over and over.
    ~Rose Starr

  56. Tabitha Pierce Says: October 19, 2013 at 12:32 pm

    Happy Birthday and thanks for what you do! I would love to read The Duck Commander Devotional. I am so touched by all The Robertsons do and it would be great to read a devotional by such a faithful family!

  57. Darlene L. Turner Says: October 19, 2013 at 12:40 pm

    Happy Birthday!! “Full Disclosure” by Dee Henderson because she’s an awesome writer and as a fellow writer, I can learn from reading her books. Plus, Sunday is MY birthday! :-)

  58. Amanda Cross Says: October 19, 2013 at 12:41 pm

    Happy Birthday! I’d like to read “Women Living Well” by Courtney Joseph. I read the sample on Amazon last night and I think it’s going to be a great book. :)

  59. Rachel Conliffe Says: October 19, 2013 at 12:46 pm

    Happy Birthday GEB!!! You have been an inspiration and an encouragement to dig deeper for any believer and seek answers for a non-believer. Keep it up! Thank you especially for all of the Free Books and Deals offered DAILY!
    You are planting seeds by moving people to read the Word of GOD! May the Lord continue to bless, keep and increase your ministry. ~R

  60. Happy Birthday-found y’all through a friend. Happy to find you, because I am serving in missions full-time with YWAM, so I am always glad to find good & free deals for my kindle! I would really like to have R.C. Sproul’s book “What is Reformed Theology?” because I would like to have a better understanding of this. Thanks!

  61. Jared Mayes Says: October 19, 2013 at 12:52 pm

    We have the same birthday! What a coincidence! I’m hoping to read “The Great Divorce” by C.S. Lewis, upon the recommendation of a friend.

  62. Tricia Kolsto Says: October 19, 2013 at 1:00 pm

    Happy Birthday – I love you guys! I’d love to win The Big Book of Bible Answers.
    Hugs, Trish

  63. Rebecca Carter Says: October 19, 2013 at 1:01 pm

    Happy birthday! I think I’d pick Dark Justice by Brandilyn Collins because it’s been a while since I read her suspense and she’s so good at the genre! And I can’t wait for the next Dearing family book, hoping it releases at $2.99 like the last one. :)

  64. Heath Robertson Says: October 19, 2013 at 1:06 pm

    Gratulerer med dagen! (Happy Birthday in Norwegian)

    I’d like to have N.T. Wright’s Study Guide for Everyone on Romans (http://www.amazon.com/Romans-Wright-Everyone-Guides-ebook/dp/B005LNLRXU/ref=sr_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1382196645&sr=8-14&keywords=nt+wright).

    I’d like to study this with a small group of Christians in my area.

  65. Jesus and His World: The Archaeological Evidence
    Ultimately it is the Holy Spirit that draws the unrepentant to Him and strengthens the saints. Yet more than ever we need to equip ourselves against the onslaught from our increasingly rational postmodern naturalistic culture. I believe this book contributes to this effort.

    And happy 3rd, gospelebooks is the first thing I check every morning.

  66. Happy 3rd Birthday! I can’t believe I only found you guys a few
    months ago while searching for Christian ebooks! Since then I have added many great titles to my library that will have me reading for many months to come. Thank you!

    I would like ‘Desiring God’ by John Piper. I have heard many great things about this book and have a great respect for how he handles the Word of God.


  67. Jay Rostorfer Says: October 19, 2013 at 1:10 pm

    Happy Birthday! As a missionary in Madagascar for 10 years, your site is a huge blessing to our family. The book I would like to have is: Eyes Wide Open (The Full Story, Books 1-4) by Ted Dekker. Why you might ask? Ted is an incredible writer & sometimes a missionary just needs to read good novel :-)

  68. Lynne P. Alexander Hollingswor Says: October 19, 2013 at 1:13 pm

    Hi. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I have so enjoyed your Gospel eBook daily emails. I have clicked on many books, and they have so helped me in these troubled times, especially because many are free. That is a blessing. I would love to have the book:

    I Declare: 31 Promises to Speak Over Your Life by Joel Osteen

    I would like to read this book, and have it as a daily reminder of the promises of God. The promises are there for us, they only need to be received and believed… thank you

  69. Happy Birthday!! I would like to read Jennifer: An O’Malley Love Story by Dee Henderson… this is the last book I need to complete one of my favorite series.

  70. Sunnie Gillespie Says: October 19, 2013 at 1:33 pm

    Happy Birthday. I would love to have Max Lucado’s book You’ll Get Through This. Don’t know how much it costs, just having a lot of tough times lately. If that’s too much, I would love any Beth Moore book. Thank you for the opportunity!

  71. Emily Hargrave Says: October 19, 2013 at 1:38 pm

    Happy Birthday!! I would love to read Jennifer: An O’Malley Love Story by Dee Henderson… it is the last book I need to complete my favorite series.

  72. Aaron Lindsey Says: October 19, 2013 at 1:40 pm

    Happy Birthday to YOU! I would LOVE to read Radical! My friends have all read it but I haven’t had the chance yet.

  73. BibleChick Says: October 19, 2013 at 1:40 pm

    Happy 3rd Birthday! I look forward to your emails every day!
    Just Give Me Jesus by Anne Graham Lotz. Her books seem really anointed and she has a way of helping you grow closer to Jesus.

  74. Jay Richardson Says: October 19, 2013 at 1:43 pm

    I love being able to build up a good library without having to use a lot of money or take up a lot of space. Having 6 kids, this is very important to me. I would love to have Rose’s Guide to End Times Prophecy by Timothy Paul Jones.

  75. DeLeon Books Says: October 19, 2013 at 1:44 pm

    Happy Birthday! I greatly appreciate everything that you all do. Thank you also for all the free ebooks you give away. You guys rock! I would really like to read, “What Every Christian Needs To Know About The Quran” because for one I’m not too familiar with what it says and two I think it will greatly benefit me in my witness to Muslims. God bless…

  76. jdanielwalker Says: October 19, 2013 at 2:03 pm

    The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want
    I find that books like these often support biblical teachings. I would love to find out of that is the case this time! Happy birthday!

  77. Ben Hannon Says: October 19, 2013 at 2:20 pm

    Happy Birthday, and thanks for your website! I am in the process of studying to teach a Sunday School class on what Christians need to know to evangelize Muslims. I believe that the book by R. C. Sproul and Abdul Saleeb titled “The Dark Side of Islam” would be helpful to this end. Thanks!

  78. M Brandon Lee Says: October 19, 2013 at 2:46 pm

    I love your site and check every morning for deals. Almost all of my eBook library is from the posts on this site!

    If I were to have the great opportunity to win, I would choose D.A. Carson’s “The Intolerance of Tolerance”

    Thank you for all that you do!

  79. Jeffrey J Says: October 19, 2013 at 3:04 pm

    Happy Anniversary of the day you launched this very helpful site. I you celebrate today. I celebrate often the great prices on great resources you often. Thank.

  80. Elias Cajero Says: October 19, 2013 at 3:27 pm

    Happy Birthday! First of all Thank You God for this website. A truly awesome website. I for one thing would like to read Gary Keesee’s Fixing the Money Thing. I’ve read a preview of this book and I can say that the men of God knows what he’s talking about. In this book Gary has been called by God to help many of his kids in the finance area with a few principles he learned from Jesus. Thank You once again Mr. Elias Cajero.

    And please pick me in the Name of Jesus Amen.

  81. Happy Birthday! I would love to read Matt Chandler’s new book To Live is Christ To Die is Gain. His first book was great and I’m excited he decided to write a follow-up.

  82. Paul Yates Says: October 19, 2013 at 3:39 pm

    Happy birthday! Your site has been a tremendous blessing to me! I’d like to read “The Life of God in the Soul of the Church” by Thabiti Anyabwile. His preaching has blessed me, and I’ve wanted to read this book for a while.

  83. Ron Morehead Says: October 19, 2013 at 4:25 pm

    Happy Birthday! Where’s the cake and punch? As I am finishing up my degree in Biblical Counseling, I would like to read A Theology of Christian Counseling: More Than Redemption. Now, time to blow out those candles.!!!

  84. Jennifer Humiston Says: October 19, 2013 at 4:26 pm

    Going Public: Your Child Can Thrive in Public School. We have been searching for a book to encourage us in our decision to send our kids to public school. While many other around us have been called to home school God led us on a different path. Have been looking for a book that addresses the public school choice.

  85. Scott Jung Says: October 19, 2013 at 5:25 pm

    birthday blessings! In iight of the recent, somewhat controversial conference, would love to read “Strange Fire” by John MacArthur!

  86. Jason Custer Says: October 19, 2013 at 5:38 pm

    Happy birthday! As a seminary student about to head into the pastorate, your website has really helped me begin to build a pastoral library for the future on a budget. I visit it every day. So thank you for your ministry – it really is a blessing!

    I would love to read Tim Keller’s new book “Walking with God through Pain and Suffering” because I believe a gospel-centered approach to suffering will be very helpful to me as I preach, counsel, and pastor suffering people in my ministry.

  87. Thanks a million for this treat of a site. Your updates are a blessing.
    The Lord richly reward your efforts.

    Strange fire by Pastor John MacArthur would be great.
    I love pastor MacArthur’s teachings though I am not a cesassionalist.

  88. Daniel Coe Says: October 19, 2013 at 6:06 pm

    Happy Birthday! As a college pastor, as well as a current seminary student, I would love to check out John Piper’s “Think: The Life of the Mind and the Love of God.” I have been especially challenged lately by Paul’s exhortation to Timothy to, “Think about what I am saying. The Lord will help you understand all these things” (2 Tim. 2:7), and believe that that book may be profitable to spur me along in “loving God…with all my mind.”

  89. Catie Myers Says: October 19, 2013 at 6:08 pm

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY GOSPEL eBOOKS!!! Thank you for taking the time to post these deals for us daily!! I would love to add Rick Renner’s Sparkling book “Gems of the Greek” to my kindle library! I love studying the Word and I have heard that this devotional is great!!

  90. Happy Birthday, and thank you so very much for a service that has enriched my mind and life exponentially, which, had it not been for the discounts you publish, I would otherwise not have been able to afford.

    My request is for “Addiction and Spirituality: A Multidisciplinary Approach” http://amzn.to/16YGJDL.

    As a pastoral counselor who specializes in addictions from a theological perspective, this is a must read, endorsed by numerous “heavyweights” in the field, both secular and religious.

    I need this book if I am going to better help God’s children find true and lasting freedom in Christ from addictive behaviors. Hence, the book is not so much for my own edification. The greater benefit of this book will be for those who are desperately searching for God’s answer to what feels like an unbreakable stronghold.

    May God continue to bless your good work.


  91. Judy Martinez Says: October 19, 2013 at 7:08 pm

    Happy Birthday! I would LOVE to read Radical!

  92. Jackie Siekbert Says: October 19, 2013 at 7:26 pm

    My request is for my son is, Ripley’s RBI 02 – Dragon Triangle. We are missionaries in Africa and getting good books for the family is a challenge, that is why I love my Kindle and am so thanful for this site. It has been a blessing! We home school and our kids have 5 book reports every year! Thank you! Happy Birthday and many more!!

  93. Ruby Slippers, by Jonalyn Fincher

  94. Paul Horne Says: October 19, 2013 at 7:30 pm

    I would like to read Jesus on Every Page. As a seminary student i find it very interesting to be able to preach Jesus from pretty much any passage in Scripture.

  95. Eddie Warren Says: October 19, 2013 at 7:45 pm

    Happy Birthday! I would like to read “who do you think you are? by Mark Driscoll.

  96. CShulamite Says: October 19, 2013 at 8:24 pm

    Happy birthday Gospel eBooks! I discovered you around late 2011 and added you on all social media, as well as subscribed in my feed reader! I had been following another website (purely secular books) before I found you and it was somewhat frustrating to have to sift books so rigorously to try to find a good, clean read. Now I am so glad to know I can have my pick among good Christian books.
    The book I would love to read is “Redeeming Love” by Francine Rivers. I have heard more than one person reflect about how life changing it has been and that fascinates me. I can’t say that I’ve had that experience with fiction/novels. I would love to see what this book is about, and perhaps gain new appreciation for the power of a good story to bring value to real life experiences :)

  97. Mike Allen Says: October 19, 2013 at 8:51 pm

    Happy Birthday! Thankful for the number of discount books and free books that you have made available. Ian interested in the Jesus Creed by Scot McKnight. I am a pastor and I use books to challenge me personally and then pass that challenge on to our church family. The recommendations and the reviews of this book are some of the exact things that we are praying for God to do in our church. Thanks for the opportunity.

  98. fschipani Says: October 19, 2013 at 9:23 pm

    Happy Birthday. I love your site. I’ve found so many books here. I would like to read David: A Man of Passion and Destiny by Charles Swindoll next. I coach Bible Bowl at our church and we are studying the life of David for the next season (beginning in January) so I’m reading as much as I can on 1&2 Samuel and David so I teach the kids as much as I can. I will also try to help spread the word of your site on Facebook and Twitter. Thanks again for a great creating this great resource.

  99. Jennifer Bogart Says: October 19, 2013 at 9:29 pm

    Happy birthday! I just found your site a month ago, love it. I’d like to read Dragonwitch from Bethany House by Anne Stengl. Awesome series!

  100. Happy Birthday!! :) have enjoyed this site for awhile. Thanks! what ebook i want to read next is Karen Kingsburg’s book “Fifteen Minutes”. :) just finished “Behind the Veils of Yemen”–what a wonderful & great story!!!!

  101. There are too many books on my wish list! Some are sequels of books that I found on your site. There are a coupe of Ted Dekker books that would make my list, too: Eyes Wide Open and Outcast. Thanks for your site and Happy Birthday!

  102. Knowing God by J.I. Packer because I’ve heard so many of my friends recommend it and I haven’t seen it come up in a sale yet.

  103. Davy John M. Says: October 19, 2013 at 10:23 pm

    Happy birthday, Gospel E-Books! Thanks for what you do! If I am chosen to receive a free e-book, I would like to request “Preaching and Preachers” by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. I am a young(er) preacher who wants to continuously learn from the classics – all praise and glory to Christ our Lord!

  104. Brad Chastain Says: October 19, 2013 at 10:52 pm

    Happy Birthday…Thanks for making me aware of all the great freebies and deals. “Because the time is near” by John MacArthur…b/c it seems relevant for today!

  105. Marsha Kerr Says: October 19, 2013 at 10:56 pm

    Happy birthday and thank you for your daily lists you provide! I would love to receive the e-book The Scent of Water by Elizabeth Goudge because she’s been likened to George MacDonald. As well, this book sounds so wonderfully refreshing and uplifting, and I’ve never seen any of her books offered at a discounted price before. Thank you for any consideration!

  106. Dave Wonders Says: October 19, 2013 at 11:07 pm

    Brett McCracken’s “Gray Matters”! It has been sitting in my cart for weeks now, but with our budget being so tight, I haven’t been able to pick it up :(

  107. Peter Stevens Says: October 19, 2013 at 11:29 pm

    Forgotten Ways By Alan Hirsch. I’m a pastor who is trying to take my small groups in a missional direction. Alan Hirsch has great stuff and this would be really helpful to be to have this book.

  108. Happy Birthday! I would like to read “Sons of Encouragement” by Francine Rivers because I have really enjoyed her other books. Thank you!!

  109. Danessa Foo Says: October 20, 2013 at 12:10 am

    Happy Birthday to you! My birthday was a few days ago and I wish I could get my hands on Joel Osteen’s new book titled ‘Break Out! 5 Keys to go beyond your barriers and live an extraordinary life’ because I want to live a life without limitations and yet honour God’s plans in my life. Thank you for generous giving and God’s blessings for all your readers :)

  110. Thank you, for the free books that you have posted. Quite a few of them have really spoken to me when I needed some hope and encourahement. Congratulations on three years. If given the chance I would like to read Cross Roads by Wm. Paul Young. I got a lot from his other book., and have been hoping I could read this one. Thank you.

  111. Alan OnePurpose Jean Says: October 20, 2013 at 1:31 am

    Happy anniversary! I would love to read “Humble Orthodoxy” by Joshua Harris! I’m 24 and part of a church plant and would love to learn how to uphold orthodoxy without holding up my nose in pride unintentionally.

  112. Jeff Thompson Says: October 20, 2013 at 1:56 am

    Happy Birthday! I’ve bought dozens of books because of your website, so thank you! I’d love to get my hands on “I Declare” by Joel Osteen. I’m a church planter and our amazing firstborn daughter is also a bit of a pessimist. Joel is not her meat and potatoes but he’s a great supplement to help her develop a God-centric positive perspective on life. Thanks!

  113. Schaeffer on the Christian Life, BY William Edgar. His life is very inspirational. Happy Birthday. Thank you for moving me every morning to open your page first thing every morning to check what your specials are. Many blessings on your labors. You are doing much good in God’s kingdom.
    Salvador Gomez
    [email protected]

  114. I truly appreciate all the kind comments. It’s so encouraging to know how much you all are being blessed by the books.

    The winners are:

    Random Winner: @victor_scott:disqus
    “Live Like A Narnian” by Joe Rigney

    Female Winner: @sunniegillespie:disqus
    “You’ll Get Through This” by Max Lucado”

    Male Winner: @disqus_KBPPoWnQke:disqus
    “The Gospel and Personal Evangelism” by Mark Dever

    To claim your prize please reply to this post with your e-mail address or send me it via our contact form (Contact –> Email Us from the top menu).

  115. Happy Birthday, I have relied on your recommendations to purchase discounted and free kindle books. Thank you so much for all you do. I would like to get my hands on ‘The Heresy of Orthodoxy: How Contemporary Culture’s Fascination with Diversity Has Reshaped Our Understanding of Early Christianity [Kindle Edition] – Andreas J. Kostenberger (Author), Michael J. Kruger (Author)’ as I am currently involved in church ministry in the Middle East trying to re-invigorate doctrinal faithfulness in the local church here. Thank you!

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