
Daily E-Book Deals: July 31, 2024

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Author(s): Israel Wayne
Publisher: New Leaf Press
Price: $2.99       (July 31-Aug 1)
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Most parents want a book that will “fix their child” in three easy steps, in 30 days or less. While understandable, this expectation will never work. The problem lies far more with us, the parents, than it does with our child. If we don’t understand that truth, we will only remain frustrated and disappointed with our child. The far greater need is to fundamentally change our own hearts and minds as parents. As a principle, that simply MUST happen before any change will come for our youth.

Christian parents may know a lot of Bible verses, yet don’t have a Biblical theology of parenting. Here’s the big picture: parenting is discipleship.

Your child is learning from you. You are the teacher. Far more is caught than taught in parenting. Children listen to what you say, but they watch how you live. When you are slack in dealing with character issues in your own life, it short circuits your ability to effectively reach your child’s heart. In Raising Them Up, you will discover:


Author(s): Dan DeWitt
Publisher: The Good Book Company
Price: $2.99       (July 31-Aug 1)
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“Life sucks! What are you going to do about it?”

We see Jesus, we believe in Jesus and we wait for Jesus, yet still we suffer. This book offers real and rugged answers in life’s dark places. Discover how to live with hope in a fallen world and be encouraged.

Walking through Genesis 3, Dan DeWitt shows us how we can look at this world realistically but without despairing, as we wait for God to keep his promise to bring us out of the wild and into his new creation. It’s the contrast between Eden, where everything reflects God’s perfection, and exile, where everything is spoiled by sin. The book helps us survive living in exile – Life in the Wild – until “the glorious day when God will welcome us home, out of the wild”.

This book holds dark and light in balance. It shows how we are living with the effects of the fall (we are messed-up people living in a messed-up place) – but God’s promise, made in Eden, serves as a beacon of light to guide our steps in this fallen world.


Author(s): Tony Reinke
Publisher: Crossway Books
Price: $2.99       (July 31-Aug 1)
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What Does God Think about Technology?

From smartphones to self-driving cars to space travel, new technologies can inspire us. But the breakneck pace of change can also frighten us. So how do Christians walk by faith through the innovations of Silicon Valley? And how does God relate to our most powerful innovators?

To build a biblical theology of technology, journalist and tech optimist Tony Reinke examines nine key texts from Scripture to show how the world’s discoveries are divinely orchestrated. Ultimately, what we believe about God determines how we respond to human invention. With the help of several theologians and inventors throughout history, Reinke dispels twelve common myths in the church and offers fourteen ethical convictions to help Christians live by faith in the age of big tech.


Author(s): Allie Casazza
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $2.99       (Ends July 31)
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Live lighter. Live freer. Live a bigger life with less.

In Declutter Like a Mother, Allie Casazza comes alongside you to explore:

Why decluttering calms anxiety in your heart and lessens tension in your relationships.
How to ensure your house is working for you, not against you.
Why kids thrive when they’re not overwhelmed with options.
How to make time, when you feel you don’t have time, to declutter.

Allie Casazza was tired of feeling it was her against the laundry in her home. She wondered if somewhere beneath her frantic days and the mountains of toys in the playroom she would ever find joy and peace in motherhood. Then she discovered the abundance . . . of less.


Author(s): Pascal Denault
Publisher: Solid ground
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

If you are interested in covenant theology and especially if you want to properly distinguish between paedobaptist and credobaptist convenant theology, this book is for you. It compares both views in the seventeenth-century context by going through the covenant of works, the covenant of grace, the Old Covenant (which includes a section on the Abrahamic and the Mosaic covenants) and the New Covenant.

Author(s): AW Tozer
Publisher: Digital Fire
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

Originally published in 1961, ‘The Knowledge of the Holy’ written by AW Tozer, an American pastor in the Christian and Missionary Alliance and an author who emphasized the need for a deeper knowledge of God and development of the “inner life.” For this reason he has been described as an “evangelical mystic.” He was extremely influential in evangelical Christianity in his generation and was often called a “twentieth-century prophet.”
This is an awe-inspiring classic on the Nature of God. It recaptures a real sense of God’s majesty and truly lives in the Spirit. This book irradiates God’s attributes, from wisdom, to grace, to mercy and in doing so, attempts to restore the majesty and wonder of God in the hearts and minds of all Christians.
This beloved book, a modern classic of Christian testimony and devotion, addresses these and other vital questions, showing us how we can rejuvenate our prayer life, meditate more reverently, understand God more deeply, and experience God’s presence in our daily lives.

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In this grab bag, we have 6 e-books from The Amish Romance Secrets by Samantha Price. The prices they have provided are under each book cover.







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