
Daily E-Book Deals: November 1, 2023

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Author(s):  J. Michael Krivyanski
Publisher: N/A
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

“I found this book both easy to read and enjoyable. I read this book while on vacation and can say it enriched my time off. It gave me much food for thought and made me contemplate about the person I am, God’s wisdom, love and sacrifice of family and more. Will be passing it onto family and friends as I have share bits and pieces of the story with them and they are interested in reading it as well.”
Cindy M

Three young adults experience a terrible tragedy. Each of them is brought before a light. They are shown what will happen to their loved ones if they stay with the light. Each is also shown what happens to their loved ones if they return to the world they just left. With their loss, the darkness will have an opportunity with the people they love. Each understands they’ll be living in broken bodies the reminder of their time in the world. All of them want to save their loved ones from the darkness. All agree to return.

Author(s): Francis A. Schaeffer
Publisher:  Crossway
Price: $2.99       (Nov 1-2)
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A Collection of Sermons on Christian Leadership from Theologian Francis A. Schaeffer

Christians serving the Lord can fall into two traps: depending too heavily on their own power or underestimating their God-given purpose. In this collection of classic sermons, renowned theologian and philosopher Francis A. Schaeffer teaches believers how to rely on the Holy Spirit—not personal effort or status—in matters of service and leadership.

This short ebook includes an excerpt from Schaeffer’s sermon, “The Lord’s Work in the Lord’s Way,” plus 2 sermons from the book No Little People. Covering topics including humility and servanthood, Christian office, spiritual battles, and trusting God’s methods, Schaeffer encourages pastors, students, and church members to live as consecrated people, working humbly for God’s approval instead of human praise.


Author(s): David Whitcomb
Publisher:  Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Nov 1-2)
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God uses ordinary men and women to change the world. In this inspiring biography of a 20th century hero of the faith, you will gain an outstanding mentor for your Christian life. Good and Faithful Servant is the story of Dr. John Whitcomb, a veteran of World War 2, who embarked on a relentless pursuit of biblical and scientific truth.

Even though Whitcomb was steeped in evolutionary philosophies while at Princeton, he became a revered theologian who preached the literal biblical account of Creation. What seemed like a long-lost battle over origins and evolution was overturned as this man walked humbly, yet boldly with God.

“People will look back on this time in history, and just as we think about greats like Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Wesley, George Whitfield, and others, they will talk about Dr. Whitcomb.” — Ken Ham


In this grab bag, we have 6 e-books on sale in celebration of National Author’s day. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Nov 1 Only

Nov 1 Only

Nov 1 Only

Nov 1 Only

Nov 1 Only

Nov 1 Only

Author(s): Paul Washer
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Too often, Christians wait for some extraordinary move of the Spirit to correct all their spiritual ills.

Although such a revival is possible, it is not the way God ordinarily grows His church.

In The Essential Means of Grace, Paul Washer considers the three prominent gifts God provided for growth in godliness: the Scriptures, prayer, and participation in the life and ministry of the local church. Our desire for the extraordinary should never lead us to neglect the ordinary. Rather, let us devote ourselves to these ordinary means of grace in dependence upon the Spirit for an extraordinary conformity and usefulness to Christ.


Author(s): Sarah Ivill
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Author Sarah Ivill contends, “As we study prayer through the lens of the unfolding story of Scripture, it will teach us how to pray, but more importantly it will reveal the Covenant God to whom we pray.” And just such an endeavor provides the foundation and motivation necessary to enrich our prayer life. See how Old Testament prayers find their fulfillment and transformation in Christ. Discover boldness and joy in prayer because Christ is the high priest who gives us access to the throne of grace. Moreover, look forward to an eternity in which our prayers will consist of unhindered praise.

Table of Contents:
A Note from Sarah


Author(s):  Hillary L. McBride
Publisher:  Brazos Press
Price: $3.99       (Nov 1 Only)
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2022 Word Guild Award, Culture and Life Stories categories
Globe and Mail Bestseller List, November 2021 (Self-Improvement)

Many of us have a complicated relationship with our body.

Maybe you’ve been made to feel ashamed of your body or like it isn’t good enough. Maybe your body is riddled with stress, pain, or the effects of trauma. Maybe you think of your body as an accessory to what you believe you really are–your mind. Maybe your experiences with racism, sexism, ableism, heterosexism, ageism, or sizeism have made you believe your body isn’t the right kind of body. Whatever the reason, many of us don’t feel at home in our bodies. But being disconnected from ourselves as bodies means being disconnected from truly living and from the interconnection that weaves us all together.


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