
Daily E-Book Deals: October 25, 2023

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Author(s):  Graham A. Cole
Publisher:  Crossway
Price: $2.99       (Oct 25-26)
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Many Christians live as though they are effectively alone in the world. However, there is another realm of intelligent life that plays a role in the world—angelic beings. This book explores the doctrine of angels and demons, answering key questions about their nature and the implications for Christians’ beliefs and behavior, helping readers see their place in the larger biblical plotline that includes supernatural beings. An understanding of the reality of angels and demons encourages believers to be vigilant in the light of spiritual warfare and to be confident in Christ’s victory on the cross.

Our Covenant God: Living in the Security of His Unfailing Love
Kay Arthur
Publisher:  WaterBrook
Price: $1.99       (Ends Oct 26)
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SOMEONE LOVES YOU. UNCONDITIONALLY. UNSHAKABLE, UNFAILINGLY. That Someone is God Himself. But how can that be possible? Why would God love you so? Because He has fashioned an unbreakable covenant between Himself and you. And He always keeps His promises. “Everything God does,” says Kay Arthur, “is based on His covenant.” And when you understand how thoroughly the dynamic concept of covenant permeates everything God says in His Word, and everything He does in our lives, you’ll come to experience one of the most stabilizing, most freeing truths you’ll ever know.

In a culture in which unfaithfulness is rampant, God’s “fierce, ferocious loyalty” toward us is difficult to imagine. And yet, through her characteristically warm and wise exploration of the Scripture, Kay Arthur will lead you into discovering the stunning truth of God’s covenant–and help you experience its revolutionary truth in your life.

The Bible reveals the covenant bond to be the highest personal relationship possible. In ancient times, covenants were solemn, binding agreements supremely honored above all others. Making a covenant represented an unqualified, total commitment of one person to another–unconditionally, totally, eternally.
As you follow the thread of God’s covenant woven throughout the Bible, you’ll discover the awesome privilege of getting to know the Lord as your Covenant God.

Fatal Distractions: A 6-Week, No-Homework Bible Study (40-Minute Bible Studies)
Kay Arthur
Publisher:  WaterBrook
Price: $1.99       (Ends Oct 26)
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Don’t become a spiritual statistic.

Any type of sin can undermine a believer’s effectiveness, but certain sins can become so deeply rooted in our lives—even without our realizing—that they become fatal to our spiritual growth.

This study looks at six of the “deadly” sins that threaten spiritual progress: Pride, Anger, Jealousy, Gluttony, Slothfulness, and Greed. You’ll learn to identify the subtle ways in which these fatal distractions can invade your life, and you’ll be equipped to conquer these destructive temptations so you can mature in your journey with Christ.

Fiction (Male)

In this grab bag, we have 5 fiction e-books. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends Oct 31

Ends Oct 31

Ends Oct 31

Ends Oct 31

Ends Oct 31

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