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Author(s): Jeannie Sharpe
Publisher: N/A
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Can you imagine Jesus washing your feet as He did the disciples? Kneeling before you, He removes the dust and grime with purity and love. Like His apostles, Christ can wash our feet, wash our souls, and wash us clean to live a holy pleasing life with HIM! Jesus can and will do all these things for you!

There are so many challenges each day that we face in this crazy world of ours. We need the sweet combination of mercy, grace, and discipline that cultivates a clean relationship with our Lord. Journey with author Jeannie Sharpe over the next 90 days to find encouragement, hope and peace as you allow Christ to wash you squeaky clean each day.

Author(s): Peter Barnes
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Jun 16-17)
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Until his death in 373, Athanasius was the most formidable opponent of Arianism in the Roman Empire. Ultimately, for him, this fight was not a struggle for ecclesial power or even for the rightness of his theological position. It was a battle for the souls of men and women. Athanasius rightly knew that upon one’s view of Christ hung one’s eternal destiny. As he wrote to the bishops of Egypt in 356: “as therefore the struggle that is now set before us concerns all that we are, either to reject or to keep the faith, let us be zealous and resolve to guard what we have received, bearing in mind the confession that was written down at Nicaea.” And by God’s grace, his victory in that struggle has been of enormous blessing to the church ever since.

Author(s):  Michael A. G. Haykin, Robert Davis Smart, Ian Hugh Clary
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

When Jesus ascended to heaven and sat down at the right hand of God the Father, He poured out His Holy Spirit at Pentecost. This significant historical and redemptive event was not the last time Christ poured out His Spirit in redemptive history. Mindful of these subsequent acts, ‘Pentecostal Outpourings’ presents historical research on revivals in the Reformed tradition during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Investigating the British Isles, it observes the outpourings experienced among Welsh Calvinistic Methodists, Irish Dissenters, Calvinistic English Baptists, and Scottish Presbyterians. It then moves on to evaluate the revival instincts among Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Baptists, and the Dutch Reformed in America. May the knowledge of these outpourings of the Holy Spirit help us seek God earnestly to revive His Church once again.


In this grab bag, we have 5 devotional e-books. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends June 18

Ends June 18

Ends June 18

Ends June 30

Ends June 30

Author(s): Micah Wilder
Publisher:  Harvest House Publishers
Price: $1.99       (Ends June 20)
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“You have a call, Elder Wilder.”

When missionary Micah Wilder set his sights on bringing a Baptist congregation into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he had no idea that he was the one about to be changed. Yet when he finally came to know the God of the Bible, Micah had no choice but to surrender himself—no matter the consequences.

For a passionate young Mormon who had grown up in the Church, finding authentic faith meant giving up all he knew: his community, his ambitions, and his place in the world. Yet as Micah struggled to reconcile the teachings of his Church with the truths revealed in the Bible, he awakened to his need for God’s grace. This led him to be summoned to the door of the mission president, terrified but confident in the testimony he knew could cost him everything.

Passport to Heaven is a gripping account of Micah’s surprising journey from living as a devoted member of a religion based on human works to embracing the divine mercy and freedom that can only be found in Jesus Christ.


In this grab bag, we have 12 e-books from Wipf & Stock. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends June 21

Ends June 21

Ends June 21

Ends June 21

Ends June 21

Ends June 21

Ends June 21

Ends June 21

Ends June 21

Ends June 21

Ends June 21

Ends June 21

Author(s): K.J. Ramsey
Publisher:  Zondervan
Price: $3.99       (Ends June 30)
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Walking through Psalm 23 phrase by phrase, therapist and author K.J. Ramsey explores the landscape of our fear, trauma, and faith. When she stepped through her own wilderness of spiritual abuse and religious trauma, K.J. discovered that courage is not the absence of anxiety but the practice of trusting we will be held and loved no matter what.

How can we cultivate courage when fear overshadows our lives? How do we hear the Voice of Love when hate and harm shout loud? This book offers an honest path to finding that there is still a Good Shepherd who is always following you. Braiding contemplative storytelling, theological reflection, and practical neuroscience, Ramsey reveals a route into connection and joy that begins right where you are.

The Lord is My Courage is for the deconstructing and the dreamers, the afraid and the amazed, for those whose fear has not been fully shepherded but who can’t seem to stop listening for their Good Shepherd’s Voice.

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