
Monthly Archives: June 2023

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Author(s):  Douglas S. Huffman
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Jun 26-27)
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Henry and Richard Blackaby, Garry Friesen, and Gordon T. Smith present three principal views on God’s will and how his will should affect our everyday decisions as Christians.

In this grab bag, we have 5 e-books that were written by Mark Dever and published by Crossway. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends July 2

Ends July 2

Ends July 2

Ends July 2

Ends July 2

Author(s):  O. S. Hawkins
Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
Price: $2.99       (Ends June 30)
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Do you trust in the promises of God you’ve read in the Bible? Do you live your life by them? In The Promise Code, join trusted Bible teacher O. S. Hawkins as he dives into 40 of those promises, giving them context and meaning. Find the joy and peace that can only come through an understanding of how you can count on God’s promises to be true in your own life.

Learn how to:

Lead a faithful Christian life by believing in God’s promises
Draw nearer to God through studying what He says to be true in His Word
Experience peace amid life’s troubles

This beautiful book will be a favorite on your bedside table, and it makes a perfect gift for:


Author(s): Terry Glaspey
Publisher:  Moody Publishers
Price: $5.99       (Ends June 28)
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Finalist for the best biography of the year with Christian Book Awards.

The life, thought, and legacy of C. S. Lewis—a Prophet for our Times

One of the most brilliant minds of the twentieth century, C. S. Lewis bridged literature, philosophy, and religion. He taught at Oxford and Cambridge, all the while communicating in a clear, winsome manner that ordinary men and women could comprehend. He gave us masterpieces like The Screwtape Letters, The Chronicles of Narnia, Mere Christianity, The Problem of Pain, and still more. In this fascinating biographical study Not a Tame Lion, author Terry Glaspey points out that Lewis’ life was as compelling as his work. Glaspey gives readers a glimpse of the character of this extraordinarily gifted man—who believed that his sharp mind and rich imagination were to be accompanied by a sense of responsibility to the wider world. If Lewis were alive today, he would see the fruition of trends he warned against many years ago. His continued relevance is based on his understanding of the human predicament—a predicament that is intellectual and moral, as well as spiritual. Lewis points the way out of this predicament, but it’s not an easy way. It requires submission to God’s authority, moral discipline, and integrity of action. Lewis shows how our lives can be lived in light of eternity and can demonstrate the hope that endures, even in these shadowlands.


Author(s): Joe Barnard
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Jun 23-24)
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A lot of Christian men – and small groups of men – feel stuck. They have a sincere desire to grow but feel confused about what to do next. The Way Forward is a road–map for men who want to cut through the noise and distraction of the 21st century and take definite steps toward spiritual maturity. This book follows the simple format of problem, solution, and plan. Men who read it will walk away with both a clear diagnosis for why they feel stuck and a practical action plan for moving forward.

Author(s): John Piper
Publisher:  Multnomah
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

“May these meditations become in your life the living embodiment of God’s Word and penetrate to the deep places of your soul. God has a good work to do there.”
–John Piper


Every day, the world takes another step away from God’s truth and into greater moral and spiritual relativism. If your view of life is fed by a steady diet of television news and popular opinion, you’ll find yourself starved, parched, and confused.

But there is a way for your soul to be satisfied and at peace during these turbulent times. The answer is to turn those hungers, questions, and desires towards God.


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