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Vote Now (You Choose The Sale)

Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. If there are less than 100 total votes in a particular poll, the winning book will not be discounted.

Book details:

Kregel: Matching Pastoral Candidates and Churches: A Guide for Search Committees and Candidates by Joseph L. Umidi vs. Elders in Congregational Life: Rediscovering the Biblical Model for Church Leadership by Phil A. Newton

Intervarsity Press: The Old Testament in Seven Sentences: A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic by Christopher J. H. Wright vs. Old Testament Essentials: Creation, Conquest, Exile and Return (The Essentials Set) by Tremper Longman III

Reformation Heritage: A Consuming Fire: The Piety of Alexander Whyte by Michael A. G. Haykin vs. Taking Hold of God: Reformed and Puritan Perspectives on Prayer by Joel Beeke & Brian Najapfour

New Leaf: Glass House: Shattering the Myth of Evolution by Ken Ham & Bodie Hodge vs. Evolution Impossible by Dr John Ashton

Good Book Company: Finding More: Real Life Stories Worth Telling by Rico Tice vs. One life. What’s it all about? by Rico Tice

Crossway: Daily Light on the Daily Path: The Classic Devotional Book For Every Morning and Evening in the Very Words of Scripture by Jonathan Bagster vs. Be Thou My Vision: A Liturgy for Daily Worship by Jonathan Gibson

Christian Focus: 2,000 Years of Christ’s Power Vol. 1: The Age of the Early Church Fathers by Nick Needham vs. 2,000 Years of Christ’s Power Vol. 2: The Middle Ages by Nick Needham

Author(s): Thomas R. Schreiner
Publisher:  Crossway
Price: $2.99       (Mar 15-16)
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Join New Testament scholar Thomas Schreiner as he explores the meaning and purpose of the book of Revelation.

The book of Revelation can feel more intimidating to read than other books of the Bible. It invites readers into a world that seems confusing and sometimes even strange: golden lampstands, seven seals, a dragon, and a rider on a white horse. But at its core, Revelation is a message of hope written to Christians facing hardship, and it’s worth the effort to read it and understand it.

In this first volume in the New Testament Theology series, trusted scholar Thomas Schreiner walks step-by-step through the book of Revelation, considering its many themes—the opposition believers face from the world; the need for perseverance; God as sovereign Creator, Judge, and Savior—as well as its symbolic imagery and historical context. The Joy of Hearing brings clarity to the content and message of Revelation and explores its relevance for the church today.


Author(s): Daniel Strange
Publisher:  The Good Book Company
Price: $2.99       (Mar 15-16)
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Whether it’s TV boxsets, Instagram stories or historical novels, we all consume culture. So it’s important that we are neither bewitched by it—buying into everything it tells us—or bewildered by it—lashing out in judgement or retreating into a Christian bubble.

Dan Strange encourages Christians to engage with everything they watch, read and play in a positive and discerning way. He also teaches Christians how to think and speak about culture in a way that plugs in to a bigger and better reality—the story of King Jesus, and his cosmic plan for the world.

It’s possible to watch TV and read novels and play video games in a way that actually feeds our faith, rather than withers it. It’s even possible for you—yes, you—to be that person who starts off talking to a mate about last night’s football and ends up talking about Jesus.

So be equipped to engage with culture and use it for God.


Author(s): Scott Williams
Publisher:  New Leaf Press
Price: $2.99       (Mar 15-16)
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Answers to the racial tensions of our culture lie within the gospel of Jesus Christ who selflessly unified a multi-ethnic church to Himself and secured for that church reconciliation with God. Unfortunately, many churches are beacons of racial segregation resisting the multi-cultural unity witnessed in the early church (Acts 1:8; 2:5-11). With passion, courage, and vulnerability, Scott Williams challenges the church to truly embrace the multi-cultural unity and ministry revealed in the Bible.

Is Sunday the most segregated day of your week? Are you and the leadership of your church welcoming men, women and children of other races into your church pews, Bible classes, and places of leadership within your church? Scott Williams offers Church Diversity: Sunday the Most Segregated Day of the Week as a wake-up call and a nudge forward addressing:


Fiction (Female) Header

In this grab bag, we have 6 fiction e-books. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends Mar 31

Ends Mar 31

Ends Mar 31

Ends April 4

Ends April 4

Ends April 4

Author(s): Dharius Daniels
Publisher:  Zondervan
Price: $2.99       (Mar 15 Only)
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Relational Intelligence is your action plan for getting smart about who you surround yourself with. Using Jesus’s relational framework for choosing the twelve disciples, this book gives you the tools you need to define, discern, align, assess, and activate your relationships to unlock your greatest potential.

Years of ministry leadership experience have taught Dr. Dharius Daniels that there’s no such thing as a casual relationship. All of our relationships either push us forward into our God-given purposes or hold us back from who we’re meant to be. If you’re serious about taking your life to the next level, you should be serious about taking your relationships to the next level, too.

Scripture gives us a blueprint for the way relationships should be managed, and this blueprint helps us construct and grow relationships that are fruitful. It tells us that our spiritual, physical, financial, emotional, and professional progress is greatly impacted by who we allow to be a part of our lives and what part we allow them to play. Relational Intelligence reminds us that with our destiny on the line, relationships are too consequential to nonchalantly roll the dice in managing them.


Author(s): Steven Furtick
Publisher:  Multnomah
Price: $1.99       (Ends Mar 16)
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NATIONAL BESTSELLER • Don’t let your contradictions keep you from your calling.

“This book will challenge you and encourage you into a life characterized by prayerful dependence and decisiveness—your life will never be the same.”—Mark Batterson, author of The Circle Maker

Many of us are overwhelmed by the gap between our weaknesses and our dreams, between who we are and who God says we are meant to be. We feel unqualified to do God’s work or to live out the possibilities we imagine. But God has a way of using our weaknesses for good. In fact, God loves unqualified people.

This is a book about understanding your identity in light of who God is. It’s a book about coming to terms with the good, the bad, and the unmentionable in your life and learning to let God use you. It’s about charging into the gap between your present circumstances and your future dreams and meeting God there. After all, God can’t bless who you pretend to be. But he longs to bless who you really are: a flawed and broken person. Fortunately for us God is in the business of using broken people to do big things.

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