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Character Counts: The Power of Personal IntegrityAuthor(s): Charles H. Dyer
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

What ever happened to good Christian character and conduct?

Character and conduct are inextricably connected.

Today’s headlines highlight society’s problems, but then the pundits simplistically push the blame off on big business, big government, or some other faceless entity. Yet—with the exception of natural disasters—most problems are caused by people… people who put money, power, or personal gain ahead of the bedrock values of character and integrity. We are all now collectively paying the price for years of selfish excess brought on by these behaviors.

This book is about integrity, character, and values. The key qualities needed to live a life of integrity will be explained and illustrated through the stories of men and women in the Bible. Conduct reveals character, and we best understand integrity when we see it lived out in a person’s life.

Putting God Back in the HolidaysAuthor(s): Bill & Penny Thrasher
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Instead of the joy-filled celebrations that we build up in our minds, the holidays (pick one, any one) can often become stress-filled, money-draining, joy-less days of the year that we just “want to get through.” And it is by our own volition that we have refused too many times to allow our holiday celebrations to be the spiritual experience they are meant to be.

This book has been conceived and designed over 30 years as Dr. Bill Thrasher has spoken to thousands of people, helping them realize the spiritual battle that surrounds their celebration of the holidays. Littered with practical thoughts, ideas, experiences, and stories, Putting God Back in the Holidays will help you and your family celebrate holidays and birthdays with biblical truth in mind.Instead of the joy-filled celebrations that we build up in our minds, the holidays (pick one, any one) can often become stress-filled, money-draining, joy-less days of the year that we just “want to get through.” And it is by our own volition that we have refused too many times to allow our holiday celebrations to be the spiritual experience they are meant to be.

This book has been conceived and designed over 30 years as Dr. Bill Thrasher has spoken to thousands of people, helping them realize the spiritual battle that surrounds their celebration of the holidays. Littered with practical thoughts, ideas, experiences, and stories, Putting God Back in the Holidays will help you and your family celebrate holidays and birthdays with biblical truth in mind.

Christ in the SabbathAuthor(s): Rich Robinson
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

What does the Sabbath mean to you? Christ in the Sabbath will take you on a “Sabbath tour” of the Bible. You’ll explore the themes of Shabbat (Hebrew for Sabbath) and rest in both Old and New Testament and then discover what it has meant to Jews and Christians for centuries. Rabbinical comments and a variety of traditions provide clarity and credibility to the study of Sabbath. While this volume does not resolve all the differences among Christians concerning the place of the Sabbath today, the journey undertaken in this book will help you in forming your own conclusions—or inspire you to continue exploring the meaning and significance behind the Sabbath.

Foundational Faith: Unchangeable Truth for an Ever-changing WorldAuthor(s): John Koessler
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

At various times, some within the Protestant community have compromised core Christian principles to “fit the times”. Challenging these truths, many members of the evangelical community have stood up for the key doctrines that, in their view, remain essential to the Christian faith. In Foundational Faith, John Koessler, a professor at Moody Bible Institute, joins several of his colleagues in introducing fundamental truths of the Christian faith to a generation increasingly unfamiliar with the original and true essence of Christianity.

CBA Bestsellers

The following list is compiled and distributed by the The Association for Christian Retail (CBA). It is published monthly and is based on actual sales through various retail outlets nationwide. Gospel eBooks has provided direct links to the Kindle versions of these books for your convenience.

CBA Christian Bestsellers, March 2018

Last Updated: April 20, 2018

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Meet Me At The Well: Take a Month and Water Your SoulAuthor(s): Virelle Kidder
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Noted speaker and author Virelle Kidder recently found herself at the end of her rope following a year of crises with her children and her mother. The end of that rope led to the well of Living Water! What started out as a drought in her life became the impetus for drawing deep. Virelle’s candid, and oft-times humorous, reflection on the power of the Living Water will lead women to a month-long time of refreshment. She encourages all women to Meet Me at the Well.

Why Holiness Matters: We've Lost Our Way--But We Can Find itAuthor(s): Tyler Braun
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

Have we tried so hard to avoid being holier-than-thou that we’ve forgotten how important it is to be holy?

Authenticity matters. Transparency matters. Being open about our shortcomings, misgivings, and failures matters. Yet holiness also matters.

This book is a timely reminder not to lose the old priorities as we take on the new, albeit noble, ones. Millennial author Tyler Braun helps us understand that holiness is not just some fine ideal destined for generations past; it’s the unyielding pursuit that defines every Christian life.

The beginning of our calling toward a holy life is the challenge of loving God more deeply. Holiness is not found in strict rule keeping alone; it is found in our desire of the Holy One. Holiness is not new behaviors. Holiness is new affections.

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