
Daily E-Book Deals: April 20, 2018

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Christ in the SabbathAuthor(s): Rich Robinson
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

What does the Sabbath mean to you? Christ in the Sabbath will take you on a “Sabbath tour” of the Bible. You’ll explore the themes of Shabbat (Hebrew for Sabbath) and rest in both Old and New Testament and then discover what it has meant to Jews and Christians for centuries. Rabbinical comments and a variety of traditions provide clarity and credibility to the study of Sabbath. While this volume does not resolve all the differences among Christians concerning the place of the Sabbath today, the journey undertaken in this book will help you in forming your own conclusions—or inspire you to continue exploring the meaning and significance behind the Sabbath.

Foundational Faith: Unchangeable Truth for an Ever-changing WorldAuthor(s): John Koessler
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

At various times, some within the Protestant community have compromised core Christian principles to “fit the times”. Challenging these truths, many members of the evangelical community have stood up for the key doctrines that, in their view, remain essential to the Christian faith. In Foundational Faith, John Koessler, a professor at Moody Bible Institute, joins several of his colleagues in introducing fundamental truths of the Christian faith to a generation increasingly unfamiliar with the original and true essence of Christianity.

CBA Bestsellers

The following list is compiled and distributed by the The Association for Christian Retail (CBA). It is published monthly and is based on actual sales through various retail outlets nationwide. Gospel eBooks has provided direct links to the Kindle versions of these books for your convenience.

CBA Christian Bestsellers, March 2018

Last Updated: April 20, 2018

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