
You Choose The Sale: Nov 2-8

You Choose The Sale

Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. Come back every Monday for new polls.

Each deal comes live on a different day of the week and is available for $2.99 for 48 hours only.

The Vanished (Kregel Publications)
The Shape of Christian History (Intervarsity Press)
Sanctified by the Spirit (Reformation Heritage)
Flood of Evidence (New Leaf Publishing)
Time for Every Thing? (The Good Book Company)
Delighting in the Old Testament (Crossway Books)
Stump Kingdom (Christian Focus Publications)

Line Separator 500

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Book detailsThe Family God Uses: Leaving a Legacy of Influence by Tom & Kim Blackaby vs. Soul Shaping: Creating Compassionate Children by Kimberly Sowell

Line Separator 500

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Book detailsAddison Blakely: Confessions of a PK by Betsy St. Amant (vs.) Lost in Dreams (Altered Hearts Book 2) by Roger Bruner & Kristi Rae Bruner

Line Separator 500

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Book detailsSex, Dating, and Relationships: A Fresh Approach by Gerald Hiestand & Jay Thomas (vs.) Sex, Romance, and the Glory of God by C.J. Mahaney


Line Separator 500

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Book detailsThe Archaeology Book (Wonders of Creation) by David Down (vs.) The Genius of Ancient Man by Don Landis

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