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Author(s): Jason Brown
Publisher:  WaterBrook
Price: $1.99       (Ends Nov 2)
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This riveting story of a top-earning NFL center and his family who walked away from it all to follow God’s call to alleviate hunger as farmers—a life they knew absolutely nothing about—illustrates the sacrifice and ultimate reward of obedience to our heavenly Father even when it doesn’t make earthly sense.

“A remarkable story where family, deep self-reflection, and an unshakable belief in a path predestined by God triumph over fortune and comfort.”—John Harbaugh, head coach of the Baltimore Ravens

NFL lineman Jason Brown had everything in the world. He was the highest-paid center in the game. He lived in luxury. Millions of people saw and admired him every week. Then in 2012, Jason heard a call from God that changed everything.


Our Covenant God: Living in the Security of His Unfailing Love
Kay Arthur
Publisher:  WaterBrook
Price: $1.99       (Ends Oct 26)
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SOMEONE LOVES YOU. UNCONDITIONALLY. UNSHAKABLE, UNFAILINGLY. That Someone is God Himself. But how can that be possible? Why would God love you so? Because He has fashioned an unbreakable covenant between Himself and you. And He always keeps His promises. “Everything God does,” says Kay Arthur, “is based on His covenant.” And when you understand how thoroughly the dynamic concept of covenant permeates everything God says in His Word, and everything He does in our lives, you’ll come to experience one of the most stabilizing, most freeing truths you’ll ever know.

In a culture in which unfaithfulness is rampant, God’s “fierce, ferocious loyalty” toward us is difficult to imagine. And yet, through her characteristically warm and wise exploration of the Scripture, Kay Arthur will lead you into discovering the stunning truth of God’s covenant–and help you experience its revolutionary truth in your life.

The Bible reveals the covenant bond to be the highest personal relationship possible. In ancient times, covenants were solemn, binding agreements supremely honored above all others. Making a covenant represented an unqualified, total commitment of one person to another–unconditionally, totally, eternally.
As you follow the thread of God’s covenant woven throughout the Bible, you’ll discover the awesome privilege of getting to know the Lord as your Covenant God.

Fatal Distractions: A 6-Week, No-Homework Bible Study (40-Minute Bible Studies)
Kay Arthur
Publisher:  WaterBrook
Price: $1.99       (Ends Oct 26)
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Don’t become a spiritual statistic.

Any type of sin can undermine a believer’s effectiveness, but certain sins can become so deeply rooted in our lives—even without our realizing—that they become fatal to our spiritual growth.

This study looks at six of the “deadly” sins that threaten spiritual progress: Pride, Anger, Jealousy, Gluttony, Slothfulness, and Greed. You’ll learn to identify the subtle ways in which these fatal distractions can invade your life, and you’ll be equipped to conquer these destructive temptations so you can mature in your journey with Christ.

Author(s): Scott Hubbartt
Publisher:  WaterBrook
Price: $1.99       (Ends Sept 14)
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Chronicling the failures and miracles of a remarkable physical and spiritual passage, A Short Walk to the Edge of Life is the gripping, true story of a man who had to come to the end of himself before he could find his way home.

How could he possibly make it out alive?
It was supposed to be a simple day hike. Scott Hubbartt was a military veteran with years of survival training. Everyone who knew him considered him an expert adventurer.

But Scott’s trek into the treacherous backcountry canyons of the Peruvian Andes turned into a desperate fight to survive after he became hopelessly lost. As his eight-hour hike lengthened into days, Scott faced dehydration, hunger, and exhaustion. And that’s when his true journey began.


Author(s):  Kay Wills Wyma
Publisher:  WaterBrook
Price: $1.99       (Ends Aug 17)
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Discover freedom, authenticity, and joy when you stop letting competition and jealousy hijack your life.

Do you find yourself measuring your value against your friend’s house, body, marriage, resume, paycheck, organic garden, or Pinterest-worthy holiday décor, and coming up lacking? Do your college roommate’s Instagram snapshots bear little resemblance to the scene at your house this morning?

Excessive comparison and competition sap our energy and steal our joy. Our friends become our audience and judges, and our kids become part of our brand. Add social media’s constant invitation to post and peruse, and it’s no wonder that we’re left exhausted, discontent, and lonely. Thankfully, there is another way!

With refreshing candor and humor, Kay Wyma shares her experiences with comparison living and offers readers the simple remedies that helped her and her family reboot their perspective and discover freedom, authenticity, and joy.


Author(s): Zig Ziglar
Publisher:  WaterBrook
Price: $1.99       (Ends Aug 10)
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“Zig Ziglar epitomizes determination, perseverance, excellence, and a loving Christian spirit more than anyone I know! The world would be a better place if more of us were just like him.”
–Kenneth H. Cooper, M.D., The Cooper Clinic, Dallas, Texas

Zig Ziglar, the motivational speaker who has galvanized audiences around the world and written more than a dozen perennially popular books, brings that same unbounded energy and clarity of vision to this candid, inspiring account of his own life and the forces that shaped it.

Every year, Zig Ziglar travels all over the world delivering a resounding message of hope and commitment in forums ranging from high-powered business conferences and church leadership assemblies to youth conventions and educational gatherings. In Zig, Ziglar chronicles another kind of journey: his own transformation from a struggling, not terribly successful salesman to the sales champion of several different companies, and finally to his current position as one of the world’s best-known and most highly regarded motivational speakers and trainers. As he describes his experiences, he brings to life the essence of his teachings: “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”


Author(s): Daniel Fusco
Publisher:  WaterBrook
Price: $1.99       (Ends Aug 10)
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Discover the grit you need to persevere through life’s hard times—with the resilience, honesty, and unshakeable joy of Jesus—with the popular pastor and host of Hillsong Channel’s Real with Daniel Fusco and Jesus Is Real Radio

“You’re Gonna Make It will give you the kind of resilience that doesn’t just help you survive hardship, but helps you bounce back even stronger.”—Levi Lusko, lead pastor of Fresh Life Church and bestselling author

Most of us are just trying to get through the next twenty-four hours . . . let alone being ready to deal with the stress, anxiety, and suffering that arise when least expected.

But it’s possible to move from fear and worry to the positive anticipation life should hold. See, there’s a way to survive the maddening chaos of this world, but it is only found in Jesus.


Let’s Pretend We’re Normal
  Tricia Lott Williford
Publisher:  WaterBrook
Price: $1.99       (Ends July 20)
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“Oh, my word, I’m living this.”

Dear friend,

If you and I are new to each other, let me start here: This is not how this was supposed to go! In the portrait I had long ago painted of my family, I didn’t intend to include words like “widowed single mom.” I had envisioned many more decades with my husband Robb in the complicated, beautiful life of marriage. But in the course of twelve hours, our family of four became a trio, and since that day my boys and I have been creating a new life in an upside-down world.

I have written this new book, which in a lot of ways is a sequel to And Life Comes Back, to answer the question so many have asked: “And then what happened—after the crisis became reality and your life began again?” I’ve leaned into honest storytelling to offer a look into the chaos and beauty of who we have become.

I’ll be honest, this book was harder to write because I’m living it right now—I hardly feel like an expert who has figured it out. I hope my straight-up-honest stories will give you encouragement to take the next step. And the next. And the next.

Sometimes, you just have to pretend you know what you’re doing, pretend you’re brave enough, and pretend you can do this. Sometimes you just have to pretend you’re normal until the new normal finds you.

See you in the pages,

And Life Comes Back
  Tricia Lott Williford
Publisher:  WaterBrook
Price: $1.99       (Ends July 27)
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“Now I know that every single day, the best and the worst, only lasts for twenty-four hours.”
—Tricia Lott Williford, And Life Comes Back

When your life falls apart—through a death, a lost relationship, a diagnosis—you want more than anything to know that your pain has a purpose. And that beyond your pain, a new day awaits.

Tricia Lott Williford discovered this in a few tragic hours when her thirty-five-year-old husband died unexpectedly. In And Life Comes Back, she writes with soaring prose about her tender, brave journey as a widow with two young boys in the agonizing days and months that followed his death.

And Life Comes Back documents the tenacity of love, the exquisite transience of each moment, and the laughter that comes even in loss. This traveler’s guide to finding new life after setbacks offers no easy answers or glib spiritual maxims but instead draws you into your own story and the hope that waits for you even now

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