
Tag: Shepherd’s Notes: C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity

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Search: The Pastoral Search Comitttee Handbook
William Vanderbloemen
Publisher: B&H Books
Price: $4.99       (Sept 4 Only)
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Finding your church’s pastor is as serious as an organ transplant.

You need a pastor that matches your church’s vision, culture, and most importantly, your church’s heart. While there is no simple, one-size-fits-all solution to the puzzle of planning for a seamless pastor search, this handbook was created to provide pastor search committees, church leaders, and pastors a guide to asking the right questions in order to plan for the overwhelming pastor search process.

William Vanderbloemen has spent years focusing on connecting churches with pastors who fit their ministry context. Search: The Pastoral Search Committee Handbook guides church members through the process finding the right leader for their church.

When a pastor leaves a church, ministries are disrupted and members drift away. If the church is already struggling, it can find itself suddenly in very dire straits. But it doesn’t have to be that way. What if when a pastor moved on, the church knew exactly what to do to form a search committee and begin the search process for the person God is calling to lead their church?

Shepherd’s Notes: C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity
Terry Miethe
Publisher: Holman Reference
Price: $4.99       (Sept 4 Only)
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Shepherd’s Notes- Christian Classics Series is designed to give readers a quick, step by step overview of some of the enduring treasures of the Christian faith. They are designed to be used along side the classic itself- either in individual study or in a study group. The faithful of all generations have found spiritual nourishment in the Scriptures and in the works of Christians of earlier generations. Martin Luther and John Calvin would not have become who they were apart from their reading Augustine. God used the writings of Martin Luther to move John Wesley from a religion of dead works to an experience at Aldersgate in which his “heart was strangely warmed.” Shepherd’s Notes will give pastors, laypersons, and students access to some of the treasures of Christian faith.

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