
Tag: Sheldon D. Newton

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Hearing The Voice of God: Discerning God’s Voice From All The Other Voices
Sheldon D. Newton
Publisher: Christ Centered Publications
Price: $2.99      

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Do you desire to be led by His Holy Spirit? Are you longing to fulfill His divine plan and purpose for your life? Then this short read is for you.

God speaks to us in many ways. He mainly speaks by His Word made alive within us by His Spirit. But He also uses visions, dreams, people, and the still small voice of His Holy Spirit within our spirits. When we understand how He speaks and how to tune into HIS VOICE it is easier to understand His will. When we understand His will we can have a more fulfilling and deeper relationship with Him.

In this book, you’ll learn various ways God speaks to us and how to discern His leading. You will learn how to rightly respond to His voice and walk in His will. You will discover a deeper more fulfilling relationship with God as you walk in obedience to His guidance. You will also discover when what you may be hearing is not from God.

It is time to sharpen your spiritual discernment. Get your copy of this small but impactful book today!

Learning How To Hear God’s Voice: Creating An Atmosphere To Hear God’s Voice
Sheldon D. Newton
Publisher: Christ Centered Publications
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

How can I know when God is speaking to me? How can I discern His Voice from all of the other voices trying to get my attention? How does God speak today? If you are asking any of these questions, then this book will help you to learn God’s Voice and guidance. It is written in a very simple and understandable manner which makes it easy to comprehend.
Subjects include the number one way God speaks to us; the inward witness of the Spirit; dreams & visions; the audible Voice of God; how to discern when a prophecy is from the Lord and when it is not, and so much more. Based upon the clear teaching of scripture and personal experiences, this book gives clear instructions on hearing God’s voice in an age when many are being led astray by voices of error, deception, and confusion.

Discover what God’s Word has to say about the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and experience His clear directions for your life. Get your copy today!

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