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Author(s): Allison K. Pittman
Publisher: Multnomah
Price: $1.99 (Jan 17-23)
Unfit for Love?Pregnant—by a man who will never know or care. Gloria, born into a life of prostitution, sees only one solution: get rid of the child. But then she meets John William MacGregan, a miner, left with a newborn daughter and no one to care for her when his wife died during childbirth. So John and Gloria strike a deal. Gloria will care for Kate, and John will eventually raise her son. There is no offer of, nor seeking for, a hand in marriage. When John leaves the mines to seek his fortune in the new Oregon Territory , Gloria, Kate, and baby Danny must go with him. Yanked away from a life of prostitution, Gloria must finally face the pain that has always plagued her, and her longings for a home, a family, and a life free from shame. Ten Thousand Charms is a beautiful tale of an empty heart floundering…and falling straight into the arms of Christ.
A woman with no future.
A man with no hope.
A God who knows the key to their deepest need lies in each other…
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Author(s): Katie Davis Majors
Publisher: Multnomah
Price: $1.99
New York Times bestseller
How do you hold on to hope
when you don’t get the ending
you asked for?
When Katie Davis Majors moved to Uganda, accidentally founded a booming organization, and later became the mother of thirteen girls through the miracle of adoption, she determined to weave her life together with the people she desired to serve. But joy often gave way to sorrow as she invested her heart fully in walking alongside people in the grip of poverty, addiction, desperation, and disease.
After unexpected tragedy shook her family, for the first time Katie began to wonder, Is God really good? Does He really love us? When she turned to Him with her questions, God spoke truth to her heart and drew her even deeper into relationship with Him.
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Author(s): Dave and Jon Ferguson
Publisher: Multnomah
Price: $1.99 (Jan 3 – 9)
“God, if you’re real, make yourself real to me.”
Each of us spends our lives on a journey toward God. Yet often our most deeply felt longings—for meaning, for love, for significance—end up leading us away from, instead of toward, our Creator and the person he made us to be.
Finding Your Way Back to God shows you how to understand and listen to your longings in a whole new way. It’s about waking up to who you really are, and daring to believe that God wants to be found even more than you want to find him. It’s about making the biggest wager of your life as you ask God to make himself known to you. And it’s about watching what happens next.
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Author(s): Dave and Jon Ferguson
Publisher: Multnomah
Price: $1.99 (Dec 27 – Jan 2)
I wish I had loved more.
I wish I had been smarter about money.
I wish I had thought about God more.
We all have regrets about the past. Many of them come from our attempts to fulfill unmet longings. Dave and Jon Ferguson call this back and forth between longing and regret the Sorry Cycle—and they want to help us escape it.
In Starting Over, Dave and Jon show us how to recognize specific regrets and then release them to God as we learn to see our regrets as opportunities to start over. Finally, we can see God redeem our regrets as he takes the worst things in our lives and uses them for a greater good.
Your regrets don’t need to keep you from the joy God has for your life. As you apply the recognize-release-redeem process to your financial, relational, and personal regrets, you will find new freedom in living out your God-given dreams.
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Author(s): Gabe Lyons
Publisher: Multnomah
Price: $4.99
Turn on a cable news show or pick up any news magazine, and you get the impression that Christian America is on its last leg. The once dominant faith is now facing rapidly declining church attendance, waning political influence, and an abysmal public perception. More than 76% of Americans self-identify as Christians, but many today are ashamed to carry the label.
While many Christians are bemoaning their faith’s decline, Gabe Lyons is optimistic that Christianity’s best days are yet to come. In the wake of the stunning research from his bestselling book, unChristian, which revealed the growing disenchantment among young generations for Christians, Lyons has witnessed the beginnings of a new iteration of the faith. Marked by Lyons’ brutal honesty and unvarying generosity, Lyons exposes a whole movement of Christians—Evangelicals, Mainline, Protestants, Orthodox, Pentecostals, and others—who desire to be a force for restoration even as they proclaim the Christian Gospel. They want the label Christian to mean something good, intelligent, authentic, and beautiful.
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Author(s): Joni Eareckson Tada
Publisher: Multnomah
Price: $1.99 (Dec 6 – 12)
Christmas whispers of wistful longings and warm family celebrations—the Savior has come. But the story isn’t finished. “Peace on earth and goodwill toward men” will only be a wish and a vision until the Prince of Peace finally rules our world. The lights, the singing, the gift giving, and the joy foreshadow an eternal morning together in His presence. Through her artwork, her creative retelling of the Nativity, and her tender reflections of the Christmas season, Joni Eareckson Tada invites the reader to consider anew the Son of God, who is the wellspring of every joy, the fulfillment of every longing.
Take time this Christmas season to step outside the clamor and excitement. Visit the stable and ask God to speak to you in the quiet and serenity and stillness… Never stop believing that He will fulfill His promise to live among us in unveiled majesty and splendor.
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Author(s): Jeff Anderson
Publisher: Multnomah
Price: $1.99 (Ends Dec 2)
Once you see your gifts from God’s perspective, your giving will never be the same.
When she was a toddler, Jeff Anderson’s daughter opened his eyes to how delighted God is with our gifts. She brought him a plastic donut from her play kitchen, and he was surprised by the intensity of his reaction. His delight in receiving this simple gift—and his daughter’s joy in giving it—led him to dig deeper. Anderson would not rest until he found the scriptural connection between our gifts and God’s heart.
Plastic Donuts removes the awkwardness and uncertainty that often accompany discussions about giving. Now you can think differently—and biblically—about what and how you give.
Your gifts can capture God’s attention and connect you more intimately with His heart. Plastic Donuts brings everyone—leaders and followers, teachers and learners—onto the same page.
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