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Author(s): Priscilla Shirer
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $1.99       (Ends Oct 1)
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Do you feel that the ability to hear God’s voice is for other people and not for you?
Is it only for people who lived in Biblical times?

Not at all! The God who loved you enough to die for you loves you enough to talk to you. And wherever you are in your spiritual walk, God will find a way to speak to you in a way you will understand. Become acquainted with the Voice that has spoken from a fire and a cloud; with visible signs and an invisible Spirit; through a burning bush and burning hearts. Hear from some of the most well-known Christians in history about how God speaks to them—and discover for yourself how you can discern the voice of God.


Author(s): Casey Hough
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $2.99       (Ends Sept 30)
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Answering the hard and painful questions in a sexually confused world.

We live in a world with competing voices about what it means to love and to be loving. It’s tough—if not impossible—to feel this tension. But what does it mean that Jesus was known for love? We want to be like Him—known for love—but that can quickly become confusing when feelings, family, and dear friends come into the picture. In Known for Love, pastor Casey Hough provides a biblical and theological framework for thinking through the hard situations we encounter with family and friends. Drawing from a well of faithful biblical scholars, Hough provides insights for everyday Christians living in a sexually broken world.

What did Jesus say, if anything, about homosexuality?
Should we refer to people as “gay” Christians?
Should Christians attend the wedding of a gay marriage?
Should I welcome my same sex attracted child and partner to my home?
How do I love my daughter who now believes she’s my son?


Author(s): Kat Shultis
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $1.99       (Ends Sept 30)
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Even in the hardest things, we get to fix our eyes on the God who brings us out of the dark night.

Broken dreams. Discouragement. Grief. Kathryn Shultis has been there. In My Lowest for His Highest, Kathryn shares with honesty and depth about walking through valleys and days of wilderness. Kathryn delves into the heart of our heavenly Father when you find yourself amidst a story that is not what you’d hoped it to be.

How do you set your eyes on heaven when your life has not turned out as planned? How do you walk through hard seasons of disappointment and learn to heal? Kathryn goes deep into discussing our identity in Christ and how we can rely on Him for comfort, peace, and purpose in all circumstances. You will find your heart strengthened and encouraged as you travel with Kathryn—through her triumphs and failures—and discover the hope of persevering in the love and power of Jesus. You will learn to dance upon life’s disappointment and come out stronger on the other side.


Author(s): Jim Wilder & Michel Hendricks
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $3.99       (Ends Sept 30)
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Could brain science be the key to spiritual formation?

Why does true Christian transformation seem fleeting? And why does church often feel lonely, Christian community shallow, and leaders untrustworthy? For many Christians, the delight of encountering Christ eventually dwindles—and disappointment sets in. Is lasting joy possible?

These are some of the questions Michel Hendricks has considered both in his experience as a spiritual formation pastor and in his lifetime as a Christian. He began to find answers when he met Jim Wilder—a neurotheologian. Using brain science, Wilder identified that there are two halves of the church: the rational half and the relational half. And when Christians only embrace the rational half, churches become unhealthy places where transformation doesn’t last and narcissistic leaders flourish.

In The Other Half of Church, join Michel and Jim’s journey as they couple brain science with the Bible to identify how to overcome spiritual stagnation by living a full-brained faith. You’ll also learn the four ingredients necessary to develop and maintain a vibrant transformational community where spiritual formation occurs, relationships flourish, and the toxic spread of narcissism is eradicated.


Author(s): A.W. Tozer
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $2.99       (Ends Sept 30)
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The most important question

For A. W. Tozer, no question is more important than, “What is God like?” The desire to know God consumed his entire life and ministry.

That’s why those who read him come to know God more intimately.

Originally preached as sermons at Southside Alliance Church in Chicago, this first volume of The Attributes of God examines ten attributes of God. It also includes a study guide for an in-depth look at each attribute:


Author(s): Kevin DeYoung
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!


Why won’t God reveal his special will for my life already?

Because he doesn’t intend to… So says Kevin DeYoung in this punchy book about making decisions the godly way.

Many of us are listening for the still small voice to tell us what’s next instead of listening to the clear voice in Scripture telling us what’s now. God does have a will for your life, but it is the same as everyone else’s: Seek first the kingdom of God. And quit floundering.

With pastoral wisdom and tasteful wit, DeYoung debunks unbiblical ways of understanding God’s will and constructs a simple but biblical alternative: live like Christ. He exposes the frustrations of our waiting games and unfolds the freedom of finding God’s will in Scripture and then simply doing it.

This book is a call to put down our Magic 8-Balls and pick up God’s Word. It’s a call to get wisdom, follow Christ, be holy, and live freely. To just do something.


Author(s): Skye Jethani
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $2.99       (Ends Aug 31)
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Researchers have uncovered the following three trends: First, distrust of institutions, including the church, is at an all-time high. Second, young people raised in the church are leaving at alarming rates and not returning. Third, loneliness and social isolation are at pandemic levels. What’s the connection? It appears that an entire generation is starving for the very thing the church is called to provide but has chosen to look for it elsewhere. Why is this happening? Following the model set by What If Jesus Was Serious?—short readings and engaging illustrations—What If Jesus Was Serious about the Church? looks at what the Bible really says about the church, its purpose, and the impact of its modern captivity to consumer values. Rather than an event, a building, or an institution, the New Testament calls the church to be a community living in communion with God and one another for the sake of the world.

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