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Author(s): Mikhail Kelnikov
Price: $2.99      

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A proof in God’s existence, both omniscient and omnipotent; by means of pure reason, and as a science of metaphysics adhering to the critical demands stipulated for such by Immanuel Kant in his “Critique of Pure Reason”. Although a science of metaphysics grounded on certain necessary a priori principles, this science provides irrefutable empirical validation for its principles, and it offers the strongest possible rational grounds in validation of the understanding of the Godhead spoken of in the Bible, consisting of God the Father and God the Son in the person of Jesus Christ–the finite manifestation of the Absolute and eternal, infinite God whom by virtue of His infinitude remains beyond the possibility of our finite grasp, but the understanding of which has been conveyed to us on the practical level of our human experience by Christ. There are the rather ambiguous words of Christ in the last chapter of the book of Revelation: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” These words suggest a movement from one to the other, from the Alpha to the Omega, from the first to the last, from the beginning to the end; but the process of this movement from the one to the other is not clarified in the context of the Bible. This science of metaphysics unravels this verse and provides Christians with a proof in God’s existence that can withstand the most difficult objections of atheists, and whoever assumes that the Bible is a compilation of mere superstitions by wandering nomads. Nothing could be further from the truth. The depth of the Bible will become only that much more appreciated given the rational understanding of such otherwise inexplicable versus, lending them a much deeper sense of meaning. This science of metaphysics furthermore manages to answer the question of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: “Why is there something rather than nothing?” It provides the explanation of the causal process (suggested in these words of Christ) that accounts for the origintion of all things, and this by utilizing the universal concepts of space, time, mass (or matter or substance) and mind (or consciousness), with consciousness being the key that unlocks the door for the explanation of the origination of all these four universal features of our reality. And the explanation necessitates, a priori, the existence of God as the Supreme Creator of all that there is, just as the opening of the gospel according to John explains: “All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.” Christians can now avail themselves of this work as the culmination of over five decades of intense and single-minded reflection on the deepest questions that one can ask of oneself; and the resulting proof in God’s existence as our Supreme Creator admits to no possible rational refutation. The work is a true synthesis of the best that philosophy has to offer, all that we can learn from science, and all that Christians can benefit from by their reading of the scriptures, thus assuring themselves as never before of the infallible Truth upon which their faith rests.

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