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Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99 (Apr 17-18)
“Evolutionary models for life, earth, and space are questioned today by a significant group of scientists worldwide. They are convinced that the earth and the entire universe are the result of a supernatural creation event which occurred just thousands of years ago, not billions of years.”
* Why do conventional methods for dating rocks differ so radically?
* What does carbon-14 found in diamonds tell us?
* Was there accelerated nuclear decay in earth’s history?
* Are the creation and Flood accounts genuine historic events?
These and many other questions are addressed in Thousands…Not Billions. This book summarizes eight years of research by the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) and a team of scientists, whose goal was to explore the age of the earth from a biblical perspective. The project title was Radioisotopes and the Age of The Earth, or RATE.
The age of the earth is one of the most divisive topics today, much debated by scholars and laypersons alike. What one believes about the age of the earth goes a long way in determining world views. The Bible is explicit that the earth is young, but many people feel that science has proved our planet is more than four billion year old. Thousands…Not Billions provides a compelling challenge to Darwinian evolution.
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Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99 (Apr 10-11)
Almost everyone has an interest in science. Whether we’re simply star-gazing, or conducting laboratory experiments, studying the world around us offers marvelous opportunities to learn.
As the natural world unfolds around us, it also prompts philosophical questions: Where did it all come from? Did someone make all this?
Geologist and author John Morris, President of the Institute for Creation Research, if often asked a host of questions about how our world came to be. In this book, he answers a hundred of the most common questions, and the variety of topics will excite readers of all ages. In his clear, non-technical style, Morris tackles the following:
* Has evidence for Noah’s flood been found in the Black Sea?
* Can science prove the Bible?
* Doesn’t carbon dating prove the earth is old?
* If all animals were created as plant eaters, why do some have sharp teeth?
* Is there water on the moon?
* What about stem cell research?
* And many more!
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Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99
Biblical faith is being undermined and criticized with an increasing fervor in schools, on job sites, and in the marketplace. Are you equipped to face the onslaught of secular, anti-Christian values and viewpoints? Can you clearly state why you believe in Christ and the authority of the Bible? How does this work in your daily life? In God We Trust is a guided journey that will help you:
• Identify the influence of the secular worldview and how it attempts to compromise the Word of God.
• Distinguish between genuine authority and the counterfeit authority of so many at present.
• Realize how your commitment to God’s authority will impact your church, family, and others for Christ.
Author Steve Ham, Director of Outreach at Answers in Genesis, clearly delves into the issues of faith and God’s authority in the life of the believer in order to prepare you to stand firm. An intriguing exploration of why man was never meant to rule himself, but instead to operate within an authoritative structure designed by God. Steve is co-author of Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World, and the popular evangelism series, Answers for Life.
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Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99 (Mar 27-28)
Few would dispute the fact that entertainment – or more specifically, the entertainment community – influences our society in a big way. But how many understand the thread of evolutionary philosophy that runs through movies, television, and books?
Popular speaker Carl Kerby has researched this point for years and challenges audiences all over the country to become better informed about the agenda that permeates our entertainment choices. In Remote Control, he highlights Hollywood icons that in some way peddle a Darwinian concept:
*Are you aware that even Gilligan, the Skipper’s goofy “little buddy,” discussed ancient “caveman” ideas?*
*Did you know the campy cult classic Creature from the Black Lagoon promoted evolutionary concepts?*
*Is a movie thriller like Jurassic Park just mindless fun?*
*Do classic children’s cartoons pass the evolution test?*
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Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99 (Mar 20-21)
Where do dinosaurs fit in the biblical account of creation, in science, and in ancient history? When did they roam the earth? Are they even real?
The widespread teaching of the theory of evolution leaves many Christians with big questions about the biblical account of creation, the age of the earth, and validity of the Bible as real history. In The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved, Christian apologist and Creation Scientist, Ken Ham delivers scientific and historical evidence of these highly controversial and fascinating beasts.
Within these easy to read pages, you will find
dinosaur facts and theories
references to dinosaurs in the Bible
a biblical view of all creation
the inconsistencies of the theory of evolution
a great resource to defend and strength your faith
This book is an excellent resource for religion and science classes from middle school on up. It can be used for individual study and as a reference for Bible scholars, paleontologists, teachers, and curious Christians.
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Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99 (Mar 13-14)
Evidence for the inspiration of the Bible, the deity of Christ, testimony of fulfilled prophecy, and the argument for the existence of the God of the Bible
The uniqueness of Christianity, authenticity of God’s Word, and character of God
Many people in Christian circles today no longer believe that the Bible is reliable in its traditional literal and historical sense. They have come to feel that their religious experience must be realized either through some sort of subjective “relevance” and “fulfillment,” rather than truth.
The purpose of this book is to survey the “many infallible proofs” of the unique truth and authority of Biblical Christianity, together with a refutation of its alleged fallacies and a reconciliation of its alleged discrepancies. Not only is there no mistake or contradiction in the Bible, but also there are innumerable evidences of its divine inspiration and authority.
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Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99 (Mar 6-7)
The Remarkable Book of Job is a highly recommended Bible study resource offering significant insights not found anywhere else. Dr. Henry Morris, a professional scientist, and prolific author dedicated to defending the Bible as God’s inerrant Word reveals Job’s God-centered message, which has often been bypassed by writers seeking answers to man-centered problems.
Why does God who is omnipotent (able to prevent suffering) and merciful (willing to prevent suffering) allow suffering, particularly in the lives of those who have done nothing to deserve it? According to Morris, this question is actually not answered in the Book of Job. Instead, the Book of Job persuasively communicates the power and sovereignty of the Almighty God and truly confirms his role as Creator.
Bible study leaders are using The Remarkable Record of Job to:
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