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Author(s): Mark R. Lindsay
Publisher: IVP Academic
Price: $2.99       (July 15-16)
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“He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world . . .”

Among the traditional tenets of the Christian faith is the belief that God chooses or elects people for salvation. For some Christians, such an affirmation is an indication of God’s sovereign and perfect will. For others, such a notion is troubling for it seems to downplay the significance of human agency and choice. Throughout the church’s history, Christians have sought to understand the meaning of relevant biblical texts and debated this theological conundrum.

With care and insight, theologian Mark Lindsay surveys the development of the Christian doctrine of election. After exploring Scripture on this theme, he turns to the various articulations of this doctrine from the early church fathers, including Augustine, and medieval theologians such as Aquinas, to John Calvin’s view, the subsequent debate between Calvinists and Arminians, Karl Barth’s modern reconception of the doctrine, and reflections on election in the shadow of the Holocaust.


Author(s): Richard E. Averbeck
Publisher: IVP Academic
Price: $2.99       (July 1-2)
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From the early days of the church to the present, the Old Testament Law has been a subject of much confusion, debate, and outright theological division. And with good reason: the way Christians understand the Law has massive implications for their individual lives and for the life of the church. To sort through the numerous interpretations and approaches to this thorny issue, we need to start with a solid knowledge of the Law itself.

Richard Averbeck provides a comprehensive, accessible discussion of how the Law fits into the arc of the Bible and its relevance to the church today. Beginning with the way God intended the Law to work in its original historical and cultural context, he then explores the New Testament perspective on the Law. Averbeck identifies three biblical theological theses: the Law is good, the Law is weak, and the Law is a unified whole. Rejecting common partitions between categories of law, he makes the case that the whole Law applies to the Christian. Our task is to discern how it applies in the light of Christ.


Author(s): Bruce Riley Ashford & Craig G. Bartholomew
Publisher: IVP Academic
Price: $2.99       (June 24-25)
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Christianity Today Book Award
ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award

Apart from the doctrine of God, no doctrine is as comprehensive as that of creation. It is woven throughout the entire fabric of Christian theology. It goes to the deepest roots of reality and leaves no area of life untouched. Across the centuries, however, the doctrine of creation has often been eclipsed or threatened by various forms of gnosticism. Yet if Christians are to rise to current challenges related to public theology and ethics, we must regain a robust, biblical doctrine of creation.

According to Bruce Ashford and Craig Bartholomew, one of the best sources for outfitting this recovery is Dutch neo-Calvinism. Abraham Kuyper, Herman Bavinck, and their successors set forth a substantial doctrine of creation’s goodness, but recent theological advances in this tradition have been limited. Now in The Doctrine of Creation Ashford and Bartholomew develop the Kuyperian tradition’s rich resources on creation for systematic theology and the life of the church today.


Author(s): Preston M. Sprinkle
Publisher: IVP Academic
Price: $2.99       (June 17-18)
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Preaching’s Preacher’s Guide to the Best Bible Reference for 2014 (Pauline Studies)
Ever since E. P. Sanders published Paul and Palestinian Judaism in 1977, students of Paul have been probing, weighing and debating the similarities and dissimilarities between the understandings of salvation in Judaism and in Paul. Do they really share a common notion of divine and human agency? Or do they differ at a deep level? And if so, how? Broadly speaking, the answers have lined up on either side of the old perspective and new perspective divide. But can we move beyond this impasse? Preston Sprinkle reviews the state of the question and then tackles the problem. Buried in the Old Testament’s Deuteronomic and prophetic perspectives on divine and human agency, he finds a key that starts to turn the rusted lock on Paul’s critique of Judaism. Here is a proposal that offers a new line of investigation and thinking about a crucial issue in Pauline theology.

Author(s): Joseph R. Dodson & David E. Briones
Publisher: IVP Academic
Price: $2.99       (June 10-11)
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Biblical Foundations Award Finalist

What forces shaped the intellectual world of the apostle Paul? How familiar was he with the great philosophers of his age, and to what extent was he influenced by them? When he quoted Greco-Roman sources, what was his aim?

Pauline scholars wrestle with such questions in journal articles and technical monographs, but now Paul and the Giants of Philosophy brings the conversation into the college classroom and the church. Each essay addresses Paul’s interaction with Greco-Roman philosophical thinking on a particular topic, such as faith, slavery, gift-giving, and the afterlife. And each chapter includes discussion questions and reading lists to help readers engage the material further. Dodson and Briones have gathered contributors with diverse views from various traditions who are united in the desire to make Paul’s engagement with ancient philosophy accessible to many readers.


Author(s): Thomas R. Schreiner
Publisher: IVP Academic
Price: $2.99       (June 3-4)
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The theology of the apostle Paul is complex, set forth in numerous occasional letters, and subject to a seemingly endless variety of interpretations. How should students of Scripture engage the challenging task of discerning the shape of Paul’s thought? In Paul, Apostle of God’s Glory in Christ, Thomas R. Schreiner seeks to unearth Paul’s worldview by observing what Paul actually says in his writings and laying out the most important themes and how they are connected.

According to Schreiner, “The passion of Paul’s life, the foundation and capstone of his vision, and the animating motive of his mission was the supremacy of God in and through the Lord Jesus Christ.” While continuing to return to this foundation, Schreiner explores themes such as the inclusion of the Gentiles in God’s people, the power of sin, God’s liberating work of grace, and the unity of the church, as well as the often-neglected topics of Paul as a missionary and his apostolic sufferings.

This second edition is revised throughout and engages with more recent works on Paul. While thoroughly informed by the issues of contemporary Pauline studies, Schreiner offers an accessible account of Paul’s theology that focuses on the primary sources. Paul, Apostle of God’s Glory in Christ remains a sound, insightful, and trusted exposition of Paul’s theology that is well-geared to the needs of seminary students and working pastors.


Author(s): Hans Boersma
Publisher: IVP Academic
Price: $2.99       (May 27-28)
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The disciplines of theology and biblical studies should serve each other, and they should serve both the church and the academy together. But the relationship between them is often marked by misunderstandings, methodological differences, and cross-discipline tension.

Theologian Hans Boersma here highlights five things he wishes biblical scholars knew about theology. In a companion volume, biblical scholar Scot McKnight reflects on five things he wishes theologians knew about biblical studies. With an irenic spirit as well as honesty about differences that remain, Boersma and McKnight seek to foster understanding between their disciplines through these books so they might once again collaborate with one another.


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