
Tag: Crossway

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Author(s): Jonathan Leeman
Publisher: Crossway
Price: $2.84       Buy Now!

Many churches are switching to the multisite or multiservice models to manage crowded sanctuaries due to growing attendance. This solution seems sensible in the short term, but too often churches adopt this model without taking into consideration what the Bible says about it. Illuminating the importance of physical togetherness as a way to protect the gospel, this book argues that maintaining a single assembly best embodies the unity the church possesses in Jesus Christ. Jonathan Leeman considers a series of biblical, theological, and pastoral arguments that ask us to stop and examine intuitions or assumptions about what a church is. He reorients our minds to a biblical definition of church, offering examples of churches that have thrived with a single service at a single site and compelling alternatives for those looking to solve the complications that come with a growing church.

Author(s): Jaquelle Crowe
Publisher: Crossway
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

My name is Jaquelle, and I’m a teenager.

I like football movies, sushi, and dark chocolate. But the biggest, most crucial, most significant thing about me is that my life’s task is to follow Jesus. He is the One who changed my life.

That’s what this book is about.

It’s for teenagers eager to reject the status quo and low standards our culture sets for us. It’s for those of us who don’t want to spend the adolescent years slacking off, but rather standing out and digging deep into what Jesus says about following him. This book will help you see how the truth about God changes everything—our relationships, our time, our sin, our habits, and more—freeing us to live joyful, obedient, and Christ-exalting lives, even while we’re young.


Author(s): David Gibson
Publisher: Crossway
Price: $4.99       (Ends June 2)
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Expository Study of Psalm 23 Reveals the Beauty and Deep Theological Meaning behind a Familiar Part of Scripture

Psalm 23 is one of the most recognizable passages in the whole Bible. Though relatively short, this poetic depiction of God’s love epitomizes Christ’s goodness and provision as he leads his children. Even lifelong Christians will find fresh encouragement by closely studying these familiar words.

David Gibson walks through each verse in Psalm 23, thoroughly examining its 3 depictions of the believer’s union with Christ as sheep and shepherd, traveler and companion, and guest and host. Gibson provides canonical context for the Psalm’s beautiful imagery, inspiring praise and wonder as readers reflect on the loving Shepherd who meets every need.

Rich Theology: Adapted from 3 engaging sermons by David Gibson
Expository: Closely examines Psalm 23’s imagery and what it reveals about the relationship between Christ and his followers
Uplifting and Informative: Encourages deep reflection on Christ’s provision, comfort, and eternal strength
With a Foreword by Sinclair Ferguson


Author(s): Courtney Doctor & Joanna Kimbrel
Publisher: Crossway
Price: $3.99       (May 27-June 2)
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7-Week Women’s Bible Study from the Gospel Coalition Explores Jesus’s “I Am” Statements in the Gospel of John

Seeing is believing. If we want to know who Jesus is and why he is important to our lives, we need to take a closer look at what he said about himself. Jesus describes himself as the bread of life, the light of the world, the good shepherd, and more. His bold words invite us to behold him—and then to trust him.

Whether you’ve never read the Bible, have followed Jesus for years, or find yourself somewhere in between, this 7-week Bible study from Courtney Doctor and Joanna Kimbrel explores the question, Who is Jesus? Using the “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John, readers will learn how to observe, interpret, apply, and reflect on key Bible verses about Jesus’s identity. Weekly prayers, memory verses, brief commentaries, and discussion questions help women to see Jesus, trust him alone for salvation, and proclaim his goodness to others.


Editor(s): Collin Hansen and Jeff Robinson
Price: $2.18       Buy Now!

Some lessons can’t be learned in a classroom.

A seminary education is immensely valuable, offering theological preparation, spiritual formation, and wise mentoring. But many new pastors are discouraged when the realities of their first call don’t line up with what they came to expect from assigned readings and classroom discussions.

Bridging the gap between seminary training and real life in a local church, fifteen veteran pastors and ministry leaders offer advice and encouragement related to a host of real-world issues, such as leading congregations through seasons of suffering, handling conflict, accepting a call, leaving a church, and more.


Author(s): Thomas Chalmers
Publisher: Crossway
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Thomas Chalmers was a Scottish Presbyterian minister who served most of his life at St. John’s parish in Glasgow—a congregation that was both the largest and the poorest congregation in the city. Known for his extensive charitable work in caring for the poor and downtrodden, Chalmers was also an astute theologian. One of his most notable works is The Expulsive Power of a New Affection, in which Chalmers inspires his readers to remove the tangles of sin through the expulsive power of a new affection—desiring God. As a result of the fall, human feelings of love are often misplaced on the creation rather than the Creator. This classic work of the faith reorients our affections toward him.

Author(s): Philip Graham Ryken
Publisher: Crossway
Price: $2.84       Buy Now!

We live in a world where sexuality is ruined by sin, its beauty obscured by our brokenness. We need a divine vision for the way love was meant to be, with a gospel that offers forgiveness for sin and grace to live in the way that God has made us to be.

In the Song of Songs, we encounter a love story that is part of the greatest love story ever told. Philip Ryken walks through this biblical love poem verse by verse, reflecting on what the Bible says about God’s design for love, intimacy, and sexuality and offering insights into not only human relationships but also our relationship to God himself—learning more about the One who has loved us with an everlasting love.

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