
Tag: Covenant Theology

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An Introduction to Covenant Theology
J. I. Packer
Publisher: Fig
Price: $0.99      

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“A covenant relationship is a voluntary mutual commitment that binds each party to the other. Whether it is negotiated or unilaterally imposed, as all God’s covenants are, is irrelevant to the commitment itself.”

Introduction to Covenant Theology is an essay defending the centrality of “covenant” in Scripture. Packer argues that covenant is not only the incidental scenery surrounding biblical narrative, but a hermeneutic which all of Scripture can find its clarity.

An Introduction to Covenant Theology is part of The Fig Classic Series on Modern Theology.

Identifying the Seed: An Examination and Evaluation of the Differences between Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology
Robert McKenzie
Price: $2.99      

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This book has one goal in mind, to try and bring greater understanding between two dedicated groups of Christians. Dispensationalists and Reformed Christians have a very different understanding of how God has worked in this world as well as how God will continue to work. There is a theological divide that has developed after many years of discussion and stems from a mixture of ignorance; misunderstanding and actual disagreement. Robert McKenzie seeks to examine what each side believes, fleshing out the differences and misunderstandings. He takes a look at the history of each system as well as their theological developments. The author seeks to be faithful to each system pointing out their strengths and weaknesses all the while citing the Scriptures that are used to support each side’s belief. It is hoped that with greater understanding the two groups will be able to engage in conversation with a clearer view of why a doctrine is believed and how the different doctrines build into the system. Whether you are a Dispensationalist, believe in Covenant theology or you aren’t quite sure if you fall in either camp this book can be tremendously helpful.


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