
Tag: Buried Alive

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Vote Now (You Choose The Sale)

Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. If there are less than 100 total votes in a particular poll, the winning book will not be discounted.

Book details:

Kregel: Baptism: The Believer’s First Obedience by Larry E. Dyer vs. Restoring Integrity in Baptist Churches by Thomas White, Jason G. Duesing, Malcolm B. Yarnell III

Intervarsity Press: Jesus Behaving Badly: The Puzzling Paradoxes of the Man from Galilee by Mark L. Strauss vs. Paul Behaving Badly: Was the Apostle a Racist, Chauvinist Jerk? by E. Randolph Richards & Brandon J. O’Brien

New Leaf: Galapagos Islands: A Different View vs. Buried Alive by Jack Cuozzo

Good Book Company: Gospel-Centered Work: Becoming the Worker God Wants You To Be by Tim Chester vs. Gospel-Centered Family: Becoming the Parents God Wants You To Be by Tim Chester & Ed Moll

Crossway: Loving God with All Your Mind: Thinking as a Christian in the Postmodern World by Gene Edward Veith Jr. vs. Post-Christian: A Guide to Contemporary Thought and Culture by Gene Edward Veith Jr.

Christian Focus: Service – How Do I Give Back? (First Steps) by Mez McConnell vs. Equipped to Serve by Richard Bewes

David C. Cook: Unquestioned Answers: Rethinking Ten Christian Clichés to Rediscover Biblical Truths by Jeff Myers vs. So the Next Generation Will Know: Preparing Young Christians for a Challenging World by Sean McDowell & J. Warner Wallace

Vote Now (Choose the Sale)

Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. If there are less than 100 total votes in a particular poll, the winning book will not be discounted.

Book details:

Kregel: A Dad-Sized Challenge by Jeff Kinley vs. I’m Outnumbered!: One Mom’s Lessons in the Lively Art of Raising Boys by Laura Lee Groves
Crossway: Whatever Happened to The Gospel of Grace? by James Montgomery Boice vs. The Doctrines of Grace by James Montgomery Boice & Philip Graham Ryken
New Leaf: Galapagos Islands: A Different View  vs. Buried Alive by Jack Cuozzo
Intervarsity Press: Carpe Diem Redeemed: Seizing the Day, Discerning the Times by Os Guinness vs. A Free People’s Suicide: Sustainable Freedom and the American Future by Os Guinness
Christian Focus: It Is Not Death to Die: A new biography of Hudson Taylor by Jim Cromarty vs. Hudson Taylor: An Adventure Begins (Trailblazers) by Catherine MacKenzie
Moody Publishers: Holy Noticing: The Bible, Your Brain, and the Mindful Space Between Moments by Charles Stone vs. Your Future Self Will Thank You: Secrets to Self-Control from the Bible and Brain Science by Drew Dyck
Reformation Heritage: Prepared by Grace, for Grace: The Puritans on God’s Way of Leading Sinners to Christ by Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley vs. The Brokenhearted Evangelist by Jeremy Walker

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