
Tag: Beginning at Moses

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Author(s): Michael P.V. Barrett
Publisher: Reformation Heritage
Price: $2.99       (Feb 11-12)
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For many Christians today, the Old Testament is difficult to understand, seems outdated, and has questionable relevance. But, as Old Testament scholar Michael Barrett points out, all Scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit and we must read it by faith, seeing that Christ is the key to unlocking the Old Testament’s message. With great knowledge of and contagious passion for the Old Testament, the author shows readers how to identify basic characteristics of Christ and where to look for Him throughout the Old Testament. The author challenges us: “God’s promise throughout the Bible is that those who seek Him will find Him. Beginning at Moses and ending with Malachi, we want to be on Christ alert.”



Author(s): Michael P.V. Barrett
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Aug 6-7)
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For many Christians today, the Old Testament is difficult to understand, seems outdated, and has questionable relevance. But, as Old Testament scholar Michael Barrett points out, all Scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit and we must read it by faith, seeing that Christ is the key to unlocking the Old Testament’s message. With great knowledge of and contagious passion for the Old Testament, the author shows readers how to identify basic characteristics of Christ and where to look for Him throughout the Old Testament. The author challenges us: “God’s promise throughout the Bible is that those who seek Him will find Him. Beginning at Moses and ending with Malachi, we want to be on Christ alert.”


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Reformation Heritage: The Gospel of Exodus: Misery, Deliverance, Gratitude by Michael P.V. Barrett vs. Beginning at Moses: A Guide to Finding Christ in the Old Testament by Michael P.V. Barrett

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