
If you’re looking to increase your reading, diversify what you read, and feel like an incentivized point system would motivate you, then the Gospel eBooks reading challenge is for you!

DOWNLOAD THE CHALLENGE HERE (and then print it out)


🏆 THE GOAL: Try to accumulate the highest number of points you can during the calendar year. This will lead to a year of increased and diverse reading.

đź“š HOW IT WORKS: Tailor your 2023 reading around one or more of the four challenges (monthly, format, themed, & flexible). You do not need to attempt all challenges, nor do you need to finish one before moving on to another.

đź’ˇ STRATEGY: Each category yields a different number of points, so if a book you read fits more than one category, fill it out in the spot yielding the most points. You can only check off a book you read in one challenge category.


Do I have to read e-books only?
No, three of the four challenges are format agnostic. Only in the “format” challenges are certain book types required (ex. “Read an audiobook”). You can complete any other challenge using a paper book, e-book, or audiobook.

Does a book have to be Christian to count?
No, except when specified. There are some categories such as “read a book by someone in [Christian denomination name],” which are explicitly Christian. However, there are many more categories which are open-ended, such as “an author’s debut book” or a “a book that will help you be a better worker.” For these types of categories, they count whether they were written by a Christian or non-Christian.

Can I fulfill challenges with fiction books?
Yes. While some themes may be impossible to fulfill with fiction, many were written broadly so that you can choose to fulfill it with a fiction book if desired (ex. a book that will make you laugh).

How long do I have to finish a book?
For three of the challenges (themed, format, flexible) you can start a new book anytime in 2023 and it will count towards your point total as long as you finish by Dec 31, 2023. The “monthly” challenges also do not need to be finished until year’s end, but those need to be STARTED in the corresponding month to count.

What is my high score good for?
Consider doing the challenge with a friend, spouse, or group. You can then challenge them as a means of accountability or as friendly competition. You can also challenge yourself by trying to outdo your score next year.


DOWNLOAD THE CHALLENGE HERE (and then print it out).

Share feedback and constructive criticism with us throughout the year via this contact form (to help make next year’s even better).

We’d also love it if you would share about this challenge on social media and tag us (Facebook or Twitter). We’d love to see your updates and we will be re-sharing some of them along the way.

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