
Galatians: A Verse by Verse Study

Author(s): Ashley Robbins
Price: Free       (Sept 29 – Oct 3)
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In the midst of a performance-driven and incentive-based world, it can be hard to believe that God loves us independent of our performance. Often, we struggle with thoughts of, “If I read my bible an hour a day, then God will love me more. If I pray for an hour a day, then God will bless me. If I serve in my church every Sunday, then God will answer my prayer,” but what if the Christian life isn’t about earning something from God? What if the Christian life is simply learning to yield to Jesus and allowing Him to live His life through us, and through this, we will have the maximum impact on our families, our communities, and our cities, and in at all, God will get all the Glory from our lives. Galatians teaches us that there is a new and more glorious way to live that leads to maximum freedom in our relationship with God.

Join Ashley for a six-week study that will set you free from a performance-based relationship with God and help you enter into all that God has for you in this season. This study is for every believer, young and seasoned alike, to help bring us to maturity in Christ.


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