
Delighting in God and All His Ways

Author(s): William McEwen
Publisher: Reformation Heritage
Price: $2.99       (Dec 4-5)
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“. . .theology that is devotional and applied.”—Ligon Duncan

How can deep theology lead to real delight in God?

Eighteenth-century minister William McEwen answers this question in this devotional tour of Christian doctrine. In ninety-eight brief entries, McEwen writes about systematic categories ranging from God’s perfections to death and eternity.

Read this treasure trove of preached theology to see how knowing God will increase our delight in Him.

“These chapters give us preached scriptural doctrinal theology that is devotional and applied. . . The content of this book has been characterized as ‘a just and lively representation of true Christianity, in a variety of its most important articles’ so given ‘to enlighten the understanding and persuade the heart.’ May the gracious God of truth Himself use our study of the instruction of His Word expounded in this book to lead us to love from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith (1 Timothy 1:5).”
—Ligon Duncan, chancellor and John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary

“McEwen’s writing provides a breath of fresh air. These are heart-stirring essays that possess the rare combination of depth, clarity, and sobriety. Since all the chapters are short, each one could easily serve as a catalyst for daily personal devotions or as a supplement to family worship. It is bite-sized systematic theology from a Presbyterian minister of the past whose work is well worth reading today.”
—Jonathan Master, president of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary


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