
My Cup Runneth Over: Giving and Generosity

Author(s): Chad Bird
Publisher: 1517 Publishing
Price: $2.99      

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The God of heaven and earth is no tightfisted, miserly deity who leaves us starving for mercy and begging for crumbs of grace. He is lavish. He gives and gives, then just when we think he can’t possibly have more for us, he heaps on still more. He formed all creation for us, his sons and daughters. He fills us with forgiveness and life in his Son, Jesus, who is love in the flesh. All we are and all we have is from him. What’s more, using us as his hands and feet, the Spirit cares for those around us, even as they care for us. United by faith to our Father and by love to our neighbor, we live in the freedom that comes from Jesus, whose cup of salvation overflows into our lives.

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