

Author(s): Joseph Grogan
Publisher: N/A
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

CHRISTIAN ORTHODOXY: A Closer Look delves deeply into the origins and evolution of established Christian doctrines, probing their theological intricacies, assessing the reliability of the Gospel narratives, and examining the scriptural basis for each tenet. The book methodically articulates and evaluates each doctrine, referencing nearly a thousand Bible verses in support of both orthodox and unorthodox interpretations.

This work examines every key aspect of the Christian belief system, including the credibility and authenticity of the New Testament writings, the divinity of Jesus, the virgin birth, Paul’s teachings, the doctrine of the Trinity, notions of salvation and atonement, and conceptions of heaven and hell. It highlights the influence of prominent early church leaders and compares the major world religions to identify corresponding views on divinity, morality, and life after death.

The aim of this book is to equip readers with a broader understanding of Christian doctrines and to foster an appreciation for the diversity of Christian thought from its inception to the present day. Through alternative interpretations of the Scriptures, readers may arrive at a simpler, more rational understanding of Jesus, his message, and his life mission.

The book is formatted in an easy-to-read textbook style, with the material organized into topical chapters, with subheadings in each chapter to guide and focus the reader. Appendices supplement the main text with additional references. Print versions provide tabularized appendices and an index.


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