
The Bible is Not Hogwash!

Author(s): Dr. Joe Judkins
Publisher: N/A
Price: $0.99      

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I questioned God. How can He be who He says He is? The only way we know God is by studying His Holy Word that He has presented to us with about sixteen hundred years of writing time with some forty authors mostly who didn’t know each other. Did what they write mesh from Genesis to Revelation? I tested God looking for problems through what He presented trying to satisfy my questioning mind and heart. Keeping in mind that all Bible translations lack the original point-in-time cultural flare that removes some of the God’s beauty, but we have enough information to find that one special road designed for each of our unique needs to enter into the Throne Room of God, a most precious place to praise Him.

I did not present my method of testing God but the results of what I was needing to know to prove Him and He wins on all fronts. God’s word is amazing when you take a few minutes to absorb how He’s reaching your heart and mind. It’s mind blowing that the Bible can address the needs of billions of people putting each of us on that one single road to the enormous Throne Room of His love, mercy, forgiveness, sinless, and blessings upon blessings heavenly community. Yes, we will know our small children and other believing loved ones who, while on earth, changed their address to the Kingdom of Heaven. I hope to see you there and it’s all for the glory of Jesus.

It took over twenty years to complete this book and you can have all of these years of study in one or two days of reading time to enjoy a lifetime of blessings.

Gary Dean, who is a retired and well-liked TV news anchor personality in eastern North Caroline wrote the book’s FOREWORD.

MOM and DAD, study the End Times to protect your kids and family because it will be good for believers.

The Rapture or “Calling away” or “Come up hither” will be the joy to begin all joy. Jesus is love 3.0, God’s holy completeness is God-Son-Spirit. I show God’s plan as a play-by-play account protecting His followers. You will have an insight into God’s headquarters and the groundwork for this epic God-is-in-control leading into the End Times which lead to Christian rewards. It’s in the Bible, and you have got to see it.

Whether you call it eschatology or the end times, the Bible prepares us to meet Jesus, as a friend or adversary. Jesus is my friend, how about you? Dive into this book to find your points-of-interest.

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