
Daniel’s Calendar Decoded: From The Elephantine Papyri (The Sundial of Ahaz)

Author(s): Randall Sawyer
Publisher: Time Prophecy Publishing
Price: FREE      

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Embark on an enlightening journey into the cryptic world of Daniel’s time prophecies, where the sacred pages illuminate startling visions of an unearthly Sanctuary system. Delve deep into the layers of mystery and meaning as we unravel the prophetic threads that have captivated generations.

Our study takes a grounded approach, rooted in the solid foundation of Scripture, unlike imaginative prophecy fiction. Discover hidden truths as we navigate through the labyrinth of prophecy. Let the haze distill in our minds like a foggy mist on cool grass.

We explore the historical interpretation of Bible prophecy, tracing back to the early pioneers. Journey through the tapestry of truth woven by Christians from many denominations, each offering a unique perspective on prophecy.

Through the lens of biblical types and shadows, we seek to uncover the brilliance of Daniel’s prophetic gems and the alignment of their settings with historical events, like a skilled jeweler crafts a crown of gemstones.

Revisit ancient civilizations to unseal the secrets buried in the depths of history. We delve into the intriguing Hebrew calendar integral to Daniel’s visions. Uncover the fascinating papyrus proof concealed in the sands of Egypt, shedding light on a mysterious time puzzle left by an ancient Hebrew civilization.

Step back in time to Elephantine Island, where double-dated Papyri documents lay hidden, waiting to be decoded. We unveil a forgotten chapter in the history of timekeeping by analyzing twenty papyrus contracts. Explore the intricate links that bind the old calendar to significant biblical events, such as Passover, Christ’s crucifixion, and the birth of the twelve patriarchs.

Join us on a quest to decipher the celestial clues, historical accounts, and symbolic meanings that breathe life into Daniel’s prophecies. Let the Sword of Truth guide us on a transformative journey of discovery.

Open a wondrous world where the ancient Passover ritual intertwines with a divine sacrifice of unparalleled significance. Witness the dramatic unfolding of a cosmic covenant where choice, sacrifice, and ultimate surrender converge in a tumultuous battle of wills. Be swept away by the poignant imagery of a solitary figure bearing the weight of humanity’s destiny under the watchful gaze of a full Passover moon. Join the hosts of heaven in a solemn vigil as a momentous decision reshapes the course of history. An immersive and compelling journey awaits, where the fire of affliction forges an unbreakable bond between the Father and His beloved Son.

Follow along while we brush away the sands of time to reconstruct the old Hebrew calendar and discover the fulfillment of the longest time-prophecy with precise accuracy.

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