
The Fake Commission (2017 Update)

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Author(s): John Strohman
Publisher: Cross Centered Press
Price: FREE       Buy Now!

THE FAKE COMMISSION is a serious examination of the Great Commission. We live in a day where felt-needs are elevated over Biblical theology among many Christians, ministries and churches. The purpose of this book is to challenge and encourage serious Christian and the church. Without a correct focus on evangelism and missions, one risks a life of self-deception regarding what real Christian service is. This book does not belabor imprecise terms like “balance” or “moderation” when discussing evangelism and good works – it seeks to be Biblical.
When our lives are done, it is the truly Spirit-led obedient believer who will hear:
“Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.” (Matthew 25:21).

The Spanish version is also available here.

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