
Monthly Archives: February 2025

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Author(s): Dale Ralph Davis
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Feb 21-22)
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Isaiah chapters 6-12 are overflowing with prediction, containing some of the most famous references in the Old Testament to the coming Messiah. Covering a time in Judah’s history when it was being attacked and threatened on all sides, each chapter is full of rich biblical truths, revealing the character of Yahweh and His plan for His children. Although the remnant of His people would be reduced to a stump, a shoot would come forth – Immanuel, God with us.

In this grab bag, we have 10 e-books from Wipf and Stock. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover. In case you missed it, here are parts 1 and parts 2.

Ends Feb 25

Ends Feb 25

Ends Feb 25

Ends Feb 25

Ends Feb 25

Ends Feb 25

Ends Feb 25

Ends Feb 25

Ends Feb 25

Ends Feb 25

Author(s): Josh McDowell & Ben Bennett
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $3.99       (Ends Feb 28)
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Learn how to uncover your unmet, God-given longings and satisfy them in ways that lead away from brokenness toward spiritual wholeness.

Many people today are struggling with unprecedented levels of anxiety, hurt, doubt, guilt, and shame. Medical and mental health professionals confirm that much of the dysfunction and disconnectedness we experience in life stems from unresolved relational and emotional hurts. These hurts leave us with unfulfilled desires that we seek to satisfy through unhealthy behaviors and relationships. Yet, our struggles aren’t random; they’re signals that when answered, can pave our way towards a thriving life.

In Free to Thrive, Josh McDowell and Ben Bennett invite you on a journey of healing and will teach you how to overcome unwanted behaviors by engaging your unmet longings. With a blend of hard-won wisdom, compassion, and youthful energy, they present:


Claire & Eli
Publisher: WaterBrook
Price: $1.99       (Ends Feb 27)
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“Altared is a must-read for young Christians hungering for a realistic, biblically rich take on love and marriage in the twenty-first century.”
—Katelyn Beaty, editor, Christianity Today magazine, Her.meneutics

Mar•riage-hap•py \mar´-ij-hap´e¯\ adj 1: Having an inordinate preoccupation with marital pursuits, sometimes at the cost of other Christian priorities, commonly seen in evangelicals. 2: A giddiness stemming from all things related to marriage.

In the frenzied pursuit of romance, Christians sometimes lose sight of the greatest commandments: to love God and to love others. Distracted by wedding bells and exuberant hopes for a happily-ever-after, Christians often forget the greater vision of Christ’s call to love.

What if God is less worked up about marriage than we are?

With honesty and insight, Claire and Eli ask us to shift our thinking away from marriage or singleness and toward love and discipleship.

Drawing from luminaries like Augustine, the Desert Fathers, and Bonhoeffer, they invite you to join their real-life exploration of love as they convincingly demonstrate why a love for God and for one’s neighbor are to be our top priorities, whether we are single or married.

The One
Ryan Leak, Amanda Leak, & Jodi Lipper
Publisher: WaterBrook
Price: $1.99       (Ends Feb 27)
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The couple behind the viral “The Surprise Wedding” video share personal stories and practical advice about finding The One through faith.

Most people will admit that they are looking for an amazing love story. We’ve all seen those couples, the ones holding hands or whispering to each other as they stare into one another’s eyes as if they share an awesome secret. We watch them and wonder, what’s up with those two?

We never anticipated becoming one of “those couples.” When we met, we just worked on listening to God and preparing ourselves for the story he planned for us. What we learned and want to share is that no matter what your relationship status may be, this amazing story begins with you.

In this book we share more than the events happening around “The Surprise Wedding.” We share our triumphs and our mistakes, both before and after that day. You’ll learn healthy habits you can start practicing today, ones that will help you lay the groundwork for an incredible marriage later. God has something amazing in mind for you, but he can’t get you there without your help.

We absolutely believe in The One. And we believe that you’re it.

Author(s): Melody Carlson
Publisher: Waterbrook
Price: $1.99       (Feb 21-27)
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Willing to make the necessary sacrifices–even skipping the occasional latte–to ensure career success, 31-year-old Cassidy Cantrell “invests” in a chic pair of boots, certain they’ll make a spectacular impression and help seal the deal on a long-anticipated promotion from her Seattle employer.

But reality tromps all over her expectations. Cassie’s job is abruptly eliminated–and her love life obliterated, when her longtime boyfriend dumps her for a “friend.” Her self-esteem in tatters, Cassie limps home to the resort town she once so eagerly fled–only to find her recently divorced mother transformed into a gorgeous fifty-something babe with a thriving social life. Cassie wrestles with envy and apathy as she considers the dismal shape of her own physique and romantic prospects. What will it take for her to jump back into life and regain her stride?


Author(s): Cindy Woodsmall
Publisher: Waterbrook
Price: $1.99       (Feb 21-27)
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Finally back in the Old Order Amish world she loves,
Will Ariana’s new perspectives draw her family closer together—
or completely rip them apart?

After months away in the Englisch world, Ariana Brenneman is overjoyed to be in the Old Order Amish home where she was raised. Yet her excitement is mixed with an unexpected apprehension as she reconciles all she’s learned from her biological parents with the uncompromising teachings of her Plain community. Although her childhood friend, ex-Amish Quill Schlabach, hopes to help her navigate her new role amongst her people, Ariana’s Daed doesn’t understand why his sweet daughter is suddenly questioning his authority. What will happen if she sows seeds of unrest and rebellion in the entire family?


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