
Monthly Archives: February 2025

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Author(s): Tony Evans
Publisher: Focus on the Family
Price: $2.99       (Ends Feb 28)
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Live confidently in your authority as a kingdom man.

For too long, men have sat on the sideline of life. But God intends for us to get into the game. We’ve been content with mediocre while God calls us to greatness. The path to a better world and a better future for our families and communities begins at our door. We need to take hold of our biblical anointing and become spiritually strong men sold out for the kingdom of God.

Dr. Tony Evans, founder and president of The Urban Alternative and senior pastor at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Texas, calls men to biblical manhood. He exhorts you to grab hold of your dominion, exercise the authority God has given you, and fulfill your role to provide leadership and mirror God’s character.


In this grab bag, we have 4 e-books on Christian Education for Adults. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends Feb 9

Ends Feb 15



In this grab bag, we have 4 e-books on Theological Anthropology. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends Feb 28

Ends Feb 28

Ends Feb 28


Author(s): J. C. Ryle
Publisher: Aneko Press
Price: FREE       Buy Now!

Are you indeed alive unto God? Can you say with truth, “I was dead and am alive again; I was blind, but now I see”? Then accept this word of exhortation and lean your heart toward wisdom.

Are you alive? Then see that you prove it by your actions. Be a consistent witness. Let your words, works, ways, and attitudes all tell the same story. Do not let your life be a poor, sluggish life, like that of a tortoise or a sloth. Instead, let it be an energetic and passionate life, like that of a deer or a bird. Let your grace shine out from all the windows of your conversation so that those who live near you may see that the Spirit is abiding in your heart. Do not let your light be a dim, flickering, uncertain flame, but let it burn steadily like the eternal fire on the altar and never become low. Let the savor of your religion, like Mary’s precious ointment, fill all the houses where you live. Be a letter of Christ so clearly written and penned in such large, bold characters that those who run may read it (2 Corinthians 3:2).


Author(s): Donna VanLiere
Publisher: Harvest House
Price: $1.99       (Ends Mar 4)
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A mysterious leader returned from the dead.
A planet filled with fallen angels.
An execution order against millions.
Yet amidst these evils, God’s hope prevails.
After his apparent resurrection, beloved leader Victor Quade is hailed internationally as God. Yet when Victor mandates that everything from purchasing groceries to seeing a doctor will require a mark of allegiance to him, Emma Grady and her friends in New York know they must flee.

Meanwhile, in Israel, the Jewish people worship Victor as a messiah, not realizing he intends to seal their doom. As Jews and Jesus-followers around the globe lose their lives, Zerah Adler strives to protect as many as possible in this violent, volatile time.

In this spellbinding conclusion to the end-times trilogy that began with The Time of Jacob’s Trouble, bestselling author Donna VanLiere brings the stories of Emma and Zerah to a riveting close. In the final chapters, you’ll discover what God’s Word reveals about the glorious future that awaits you and see that things aren’t spiraling downward but are actually looking up!


Vote Now (You Choose The Sale)

Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. If there are less than 100 total votes in a particular poll, the winning book will not be discounted.

Book details:

Kregel: The Vanished by Cara Putnam vs Walking on Hidden Wings by Rachel Scott McDaniel

IVP: Loving the Church . . . Blessing the Nations by George Miley vs The Shape of Christian History by Scott Sunquist

Reformation Heritage: Sanctified by the Spirit by Colin R McCulloch vs Developments in Biblical Counseling by J. Cameron Fraser

New Leaf: Don’t Miss the Boat by Paul Taylor vs A Flood of Evidence by Ken Ham & Bodie Hodge

Good Book Company: If Only by Jennie Pollock vs Time for Every Thing? by Matt Fuller

Crossway: Delighting in the Old Testament by Jason DeRouchie vs A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the Old Testament by Miles V. Van Pelt

Christian Focus: My Exceeding Joy Psalms 38–51 by Dale Ralph Davis vs Stump Kingdom by Dale Ralph Davis

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