
Faith Like a Child

Author(s): Lacy Finn Borgo
Publisher: IVP
Price: $4.99       Ends Mar 31
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Embrace the invitation of childlike faith. A well-known challenge of Jesus to his followers is to become like little children. But it’s often difficult to remember the natural patterns of our childhood selves that enabled us to live freely in God’s wonder-filled presence. Is childlike faith simply an unquestioning faith, or is it being present with ourselves in a way that invites healing and wholeness?

Faith Like a Child considers Jesus’ invitation to childlike faith and explores seven distinct ways of welcoming the child within. Offering wisdom from years of experience as a spiritual director with both adults and children, Lacy Finn Borgo explores practices to welcome and enliven your childhood self. Offering examples of what becoming like children could look like, Borgo invites you to take Jesus up on his offer to live more deeply into a relationship with God.

As we welcome our childhood selves, we allow God to heal our wounds so we can live in freedom with Jesus as our companion.

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