
Two E-Books by Pastor Sheldon Newton: Feb 25/25

The Office Of A Deacon: A Biblical Perspective On This Precious Ministry Of Helps
Sheldon Newton
Publisher: Christ Centered Publications
Price: $3.99      

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Training For Deacons

Used as a training book for deacons by pastors of both denominational and non-denominational churches, this biblically based study on this precious office gives sound and clear guidance and instructions concerning the diaconate. Subject matters addressed include;

. What is a deacon?
. Are women deaconess in the Bible?
. What are the responsibilities of a deacon?
. What are the qualifications for the office of a deacon?
. How are deacons chosen?
. What is the character of a deacon/deaconess?

Complete with insightful questions that pastors can give as they train their deacons, this book will prove to be an invaluable resource and asset for those aspiring to this precious ministry of helps. Get your copy today!

Advice To Young Ministers: Preparing The Next Generation of Godly Leaders
Sheldon Newton
Publisher: Christ Centered Publications
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

Do you need training as a minister of the gospel? Are you looking for sound, biblical instruction and teaching to train your leaders to be effective in God’s Kingdom? This book is written for that purpose.

Perhaps you are a pastor or an apostle seeking to train others for the work of the ministry. Maybe you are someone who senses the calling of God leading you into ministry, and desire training for the work of God. Then again, maybe you have been in ministry for years, however, you desire or need further training as you seek to serve the Lord Jesus Christ to the best of your ability.

The demands upon the minister of the gospel today are many. The sincere servant or handmaiden of the Lord must know how to balance home and ministry and purpose to be a person of order and great discipline, or the pressures of ministry can cause great stress and turmoil. Many have left the ministry because they felt trapped under the enormous weight and anxieties they were experiencing, but seemed unable to handle. They could not cope. Others have been pulled and lured away from the Presence of God through the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eyes, and the pride of life.

What is the path to fulfilling your call as a minister successfully of the gospel of Jesus Christ? How should the minister conduct himself or herself as one seeks to do the will of God, and serve humanity in His Name?

If you sense that Divine call to the ministry, and you are ready to discover and fulfill God’s will and plan for your life this study is an essential read to help you understand and walk in the fullness of God’s purpose. You will gain the insight and wisdom to make wise decisions and godly choices; discover the qualifications and character of the sincere minister; learn how to walk in the anointing of God and stand firm in your calling; discover the importance of guidance of godly mentors; understand and apply ministerial ethics, and more.

This book will serve as an excellent resource and training manual for the aspiring sincere minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

“Your book will be an excellent tool in the hands of rising ministers of the next generation to focus their lives and ministries on what really matters.”
Dr Ron Cottle, Ph.D., Ed.D., D.D.
Founder, Embassy Coalition of Apostolic Leaders and Embassy College

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