
Forgive: Up-rooting The Root Of Bitterness

Author(s): Sheldon Newton
Publisher: N/A
Price: $2.99      

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Do you want to walk in the favor of God? Would you like to experience and continually enjoy His best blessings and His peace that passes all understanding? Then you must learn to FORGIVE!

Perhaps you have been really hurt and wounded by people, and you can sense great resentment, bitterness, anger and hostility burning on the inside of you towards them. Forgive, not just for the one you are forgiving, but also for you. Your walk with the Lord, healing, peace, and real freedom will be found in your releasing the seed of that hurt that may have been planted in the garden of your heart and permitted to grow up. That tree of hostility, anger, bitterness, and resentfulness can be rooted up, and eradicated from your life. Moreover, in order for you to receive God’s healing or answers to your prayers, it is imperative that you learn how to forgive quickly and let it go. This book will show you how to do just that!

Discover the power of forgiving others and how to do so quickly in this life-changing study. You will learn why it is important to forgive; how to forgive easier than you may have ever thought possible; what happens if you choose not to forgive; the link between forgiveness and answered prayer; how to enjoy real fellowship with God; and how to be free from anxiety, strife and inner turmoil. This book will transform your life.

It’s time to let those old feelings, hurts and wounds of the past go, regardless of how good it may feel to hold onto and nurse them. They have been holding you back spiritually, and in other ways too. Unforgiveness and bitterness can even make you sick if you don’t deal with it. That is a spiritual and medical fact. DISCOVER HOW TO FORGIVE & LET IT GO, NOW!

Grab your copy of this book now and see just how easy it can be, and how much better your life will become before the price goes up!

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