
The Presence of God: Its Place in the Storyline of Scripture and the Story of Our Lives

Author(s): J. Ryan Lister
Publisher: Crossway
Price: $6.99       (Ends Sept 8)
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“God is with us.”

We say this in our sermons, prayers, and songs, but what does it really mean? For many Christians, the whole notion of God’s presence remains vague and hard to define.

Exploring both the Old and New Testaments, professor J. Ryan Lister seeks to recover the centrality of the presence of God in the whole storyline of Scripture—a theme that is too often neglected and therefore misunderstood. In a world that longs for—yet struggles to find—intimacy with the Almighty, this book will help you discover the truth about God’s presence with his people and what his drawing near means for the Christian life.


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